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portneuf 1/6/12
Well i decided to fish about a 3/4 mile stretch of the portneuf i havnt fished since i was still able to fish without a fishing license.. i grew up les than a mile away from this strech probly les than half a mile any way..
Its pretty high and fast. But I managed 4 brown trout. I was fishing a rapala,
The action was slow and the fish were far and few between. It was fun to get out with my dad though and fish the river of my youth.. it hasnt changed much other than a few new fences here and there.
I did manage to find a nice trip wire made from a fallen barbwire fence.. ive decided im to fat and old to be tripping and falling like that, as im pretty brused and cut up from it. Better me tgan my dad to find the trip wire hiden in the grass though.. the browns were not huge but were healthy the biggeat one was only 1.56 lbs the smallest one my dad caught and it was around 6 inches. Had a hook and line in ot from being caught befor.. and ive decided fishing around old cars under the water is a good spot for snags.
Wish i could post up the pics. If any one knows how to post pics from a phone please let me know. Im getting quite the collection of fish on my phone now. But i dont have a computer anymore so i cant load them on there.. sorry about no pics..
here are a couple for you.
You should be able to just text them to your email address. Then once you have them there, you can post as normal.
Thanks matt.. i would send them to my email but I DONT HAVE A COMPUTER. i guess i better go get a new one.. just so I can put up some pictures..
just download an app for your email on your phone. g-mail and hotmail both have it
Nice report im glad you were able to get out and catch a few [cool]
Had another great day on the river! Been exploring allot of new places and have found a sweet brown trout stretch.. I can honestly say that the portneuf is one of my fav rivers to fish.. the fish may not be huge but they are very nice and healthy.. ive been avg 17" brown trout. With my biggest being 21" this year. O have hi hopes for my newly found spot i have a feeling if i fish ot hard enough and use the right bait im going to break my record 26" brown from the portneuf this year. We will see.. once again i have lots of pictures but no way to post them. I almost feel bad about not being able to share them. But you all know what brown trout look like..
Congratulations on some nice fish! It sounds like you have found a good access spot. Way to go!
Yes its private property im just lucky enough to have the owner of the property right accros the street from me.. my new spot i have a feeling has been fiahed very very lightly as it has been owned by the guy for a very long time and as every one onows not many people are willing to ask permission. It looks like it would be a great fly fishing spot.. i may have to invite you cpierce one of these days soon. As during late spring and summer its full of cows. About 600 head of cattle..

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