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what is your favorite trout to catch?
I Know there are alot of fisherman slash fisher women. That enjoy fishing for trout. I also understand there are some the really dont care to fish for trout.
But if one were to have to choose which of the following listed would you choose. Now it is to my understanding that char is in the same species list as trout so i listed. If it isnt and I am wrong sorry. Please select one and give your reason why, you like to catch that particular trout.
I chose Brown Trout, because besides a char and any kind of sea trout I have caught all listed. And to me the Brown trout is the funnest to catch they will hammer a top water bait like a bass and all but maybe a few have pulled tell the end..
I also like how once you can find them they are fairly willing biters. I really like catching them on top water baits. It is a blast to watch one nail it and come leaping out of the water and just start pulling like crazy.. also fun to get one off the bottom though..
Brooks - cuz they taste so good, liberal bag limits, and you catch them in God's country. However, when I was living in AK them Arctic Char we're a blast to catch and got some great colors. Not the best eating though.
I said browns because they are aggressive, get quite large, and fight hard. However, I really enjoy finding a stream with a healthy population of wild rainbows and cuttbows. They're gorgeous, fast, and acrobatic. Brookies are feisty, colorful and tasty, so I'm pretty excited when I find them too. I like that cutthroat are so willing to hit dry flies, and they can have some beautiful colors as well. Golden trout have to be the prettiest of all, and they live in amazing places. Really, it's hard to pick one. Browns are the best all around gamefish of the bunch in my opinion, but they seem to be the most common in the streams I've fished, so that makes the others more exciting in a way. I guess I love them all.
Brook trout. Because of the places they live and the challenge of finding large specimens. Small ones may be easy to catch, but finding the lakes with the conditions and feed to grow the slab-sided footballs is finding a rare gem indeed. Then you need to get them to bite!
I like browns because of the way they slash at big baits.

definitely love catching big browns but I really just love catching any trout, heck any fish for that matter. They all have their own personalities of how they fight, what they want to take and how/what turns them on. But in the end theres just nothing better than hooking up with a big kype jawed brown that just bull dogs, runs and comes up and cartwheels every now and a gain.
tough to beat a large rainbow on a fly for that explosive into the backing run they have[cool]
My favorite trout are the one's I am getting at the hatchery to go catfishing or sturgeon fishing with.[fishon]
Same as what 2dogs posted...rainbows for me...but on a slow day I'm happy with a sucker fish!
i couldn't find anywhere to click for my favorite trout-

... big ones.
Not listed but by far best all around Trout....KAMLOOP
I didnt list them all I just didnt want a poll that was 30 choices long.. kamloops are fun too there all fun.
no option for mine "ones dumb enough for me to catch"
Brookies are fun! but a monster laker is a lot more of a challenge!
I just like catching fish of every kind. I like that there is a variety of different trout and even warm water fish within easy driving distance. If I only had one type of trout and only a few places to fish, I think I would get bored.

Each type of trout are so much fun that it is hard to choose. I like brookies because they are beautiful, tasty, plentiful,and willing. Browns for their spots, fight, and ferocious attacks on a dry fly. Big shouldered rainbows who peal line off my reel as they do acrobatics.

I think of all of them, I am kind of partial to the cutthroats because we have so many native varieties here in the Intermountain Region. Each of the cutt species have such different characteristics that it is fun just exploring their variations in different drainages.

Cutts are a blast on a dry fly, and some large ones hide in some of the most amazingly small streams. When I am in some of those upper drainages that are pure native cutts, it is awesome to think of how long that species of fish have survived there. It is such a beautiful fish that matches the beautiful scenery of the areas it lives in.
Thats a tough one i love the beautiful browns but some of the hardest fighting fish i have ever caught were cutbows. I selected browns cause in this part of the state there a true trophy and hard to come by so i tend to take a few more pic and admire them a tad longer before slipping them back into the water
[quote jeremypeace]I didnt list them all I just didnt want a poll that was 30 choices long.. kamloops are fun too there all fun.[/quote]

I get that, you do realize that Brookies and Char are not "trout" LOL
Just razzin' you.
I am just saying, KAMLOOPS are the main reason I fish Idaho, and I don't think a lot of people realize that this is what they are. They do look like a Rainbow.
I knew what you were talking about . They are a special Rainbow , that have big shoulders and know how to use them . The only fish that comes close to the same fight pound for pound is Small mouth bass . Curt G.
[quote flygoddess][quote jeremypeace]I didnt list them all I just didnt want a poll that was 30 choices long.. kamloops are fun too there all fun.[/quote]

I get that, you do realize that Brookies and Char are not "trout" LOL
Just razzin' you.
I am just saying, KAMLOOPS are the main reason I fish Idaho, and I don't think a lot of people realize that this is what they are. They do look like a Rainbow.[/quote]

Neither are Lake trout or Browns but who cares. It's all in fun! And Kamloops do look like rainbow because they are the same species, Oncorhynchus mykiss.

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