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Just out of curiosity, I wanted to know how many people actually keep the receipt they receive with their fishing license. I always order my licenses online and a week later, a nice license comes on the nice water-resistant paper. The license itself is only the top 1/3 of the sheet of paper. But on the paper, it says "Keep this in a safe place" or something.
A few years back, I thought I had lost my wallet and was in the process of replacing everything. I figured since I had a receipt, I could just order a new fishing license since it hadn't expired. After all, I had the receipt.
Turns out it doesn't matter. Lucky for me, I found my wallet, but still...why do they tell you to keep the receipt if you can't replace the license if necessary?
And while I'm up on my soap box, do we really need such a big license size? I would absolutely LOVE it if they put all of the information on a single card, like the size of other government IDs and such. They could even do a sticker system for second pole permits and what not. Anyway, I digress.
Do you keep your license receipt? Why?
Why not switch to credit card-sized licenses?
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I do keep the receipt, but it sounds like it may not be very helpful if needed. While we're talking licenses, I'm wondering how well this may work out if I have mistakenly left my license in a tackle box I'm not using on a particular outing, I would access my gmail from phone (assuming in coverage area) to display the license on-line as it was emailed prior to receiving the hard copy in the mail.
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[size 3][quote downed_Phly]A few years back, I thought I had lost my wallet and was in the process of replacing everything. I figured since I had a receipt, I could just order a new fishing license since it hadn't expired. After all, I had the receipt. Turns out it doesn't matter.[/size]
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[size 3]Do you keep your license receipt? Why?[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I’m not at all sure why you think it doesn’t matter. I did in fact have my wallet stolen last summer and had to replace all that was in it including my combo license and second pole permit. I also buy my licenses on line every year and I’ve always kept the receipt. Why; so I can get them replaced if needed.[/#800000][/font][/size]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]I took the receipts to the DWR Northern Region office in Ogden and got both licenses replaced. The fee for the combo license was $10 and the fee for the second pole permit was $7.50. I don’t know if I could have done that on-line. I also don’t know if I could have done that without the receipts as the DWR has the original transaction stored in cyberspace and could have pulled it up had I given them my Customer ID #. But the receipt has this printed on it: "This is your receipt copy. Detach this piece here and keep it in a safe place." That kind of tells me that they will want to see it if you need a replacement.[/size][/#800000][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 3]And of course, I expected there would be a fee for the replacement. The government almost never does anything for free.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
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It is true thety will replace them for the prices dubob just quoted. It isnt free buts still cheaper than just replacing them
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SO was the $10 fee to replace the license?
I realized last weekend on a check - that I had not only this year, but last year and the year's before - plus my son's. NEED to clean that mess up! Especially when the DNR officers exclaims "this is expired". Figured I had the most recent in the plastic baggy, but NO!
Anwho - I always carry mine, or have it close (if I'm bank tangling right next to the car - close enough).
I have wondered - if you don't have your license WITH you and get checked - they DO have you "in the system" - can they/would they look you up online?
Or give you something akin to a "fixit ticket" to verify you coverage after the fact?
I agree - smaller - even a credit card size would be good. I like the sticker idea for the second pole. Damned fine print - never sure what I'm handing them - so I just give them the stack, let THEM figure it out.
If you have a boat - be sure to have your boat registration, muscle certificate, and proof of insurance if required. They can/will check all that, and life jackets, oars - all the required safety features. (that was at Newton of all places! But I got a nice receipt sayig I'm "inspected" and "certified".
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Surprisingly enough I was checked a few times last year I usually always buy my license online. The first check was in Taggart all I had was the paper copy (waiting for the real license to be mailed to me) and The DNR officer looked it over we BS'ed and he left.
The second time we were camping and with all the junk in the tent not sure were my wallet went. But I always leave the receipt in my glove box the officer was nice enough to follow me to my truck, showed him the receipt and he was good with that.
+10000000000000 on the size of the license luv the idea of making it credit card size and at the very the least make it the size to fit in the bill fold of a wallet.
Having to fold it 3 times and the height still sticks out of my wallet is just .... !@#$%
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You don't have to have it to get a replacement I don't know what my problem is but this year I have lost mine twice its all in there system they know when you have bought all of your stuff. BUT if there system ever goes down it would be good to have. You can get them at walmart or anywhere that sells them don't have to go to the dwr
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Mine is the size of a credit card. My lifetime license anyway. I wish they would get rid of the two pole permit. Just add it to the license, or change the regs to allow the use of two poles by all licensed anglers. Now if they'd make the deer tag the size of a credit card...... hmmm....[  ]
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Sorry, I didn't explain myself too well.
When lost my wallet, I called up the DWR and explained my situation. I told them that I had a receipt and just wanted to replace the license. The fellow I spoke with said I couldn't (despite having a receipt) and that I would just need to buy a new one. Sounds like I might have received some bad info. 
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I have always thought, ESPECIALLY, with the advent of smartphones, that wildlife officers should have a simple way to access fishing license data on the water - just in case a fisherman forgets their license or something like that.
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Im  on the proof of insurance thing for boats. Can they require prrof of insurance. I do have insurance but I dont carry proof of it in my boat.
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Dubob is absolutely correct. I left my Utah license in my camper and put it in storage at the ranch an hour and a half away for the winter. I took the receipt back to the store I purchased the license and they printed me off a replacement for the $10 fee. Definitely keep a hold of that receipt you may need it. If a store tells you they won't replace your license they don't know what they are talking about.
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Yes, you need to have it on the boat. I was checked last year at Powell and Starvation - both times required to show evidence of insurance.
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It is up to the discretion of the officer, usually. They might take your word for it or they might issue you a citation telling you that you can take your license in to the court to prove you have a license.
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Yup - big time. With any 'officer' I'd recommend treating them with respect, and be courteous, cooperative, and if they ask you to lick their boots - get that  out! [shocked]
But honestly - HOW they react to you depends greatly on how you act, react.
I think it's a bigger deal with real cops (even renta cops or robo cops) than DNR officers. I've ALWAYS found DNR officers much cooler to deal with. But I have watched folks be required to go 'way over there' to get their license from a vehicle. I have also seen "checks" turn into citations, even deportations!
As for insurance - I believe I believe it's 50 horse (or is it 35?!) that kicks you into being required to have insurance. Don't need it on my little Jon boat with a 10hp, but you should have the paper registration, in addition to your boat stickers.
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Yea, if they can issue a lifetime license on a card, they should be able to do the same with other licenses. I like the idea of a sticker for a two pole permit but since a big game hunting license comes with a tag, that could be a little tougher[:/].
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[quote CoyoteSpinner]As for insurance - I believe I believe it's 50 horse (or is it 35?!) that kicks you into being required to have insurance. Don't need it on my little Jon boat with a 10hp, but you should have the paper registration, in addition to your boat stickers.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]Here's a quote from from [url ""][/url][/#800000][/font]:
Quote:Effective July 2006, all PWCs and motorboats (motorboats with engines less than 50 horse power are exempt) must carry proof of liability insurance while being operated on Utah waters.
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
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+1 on the size of licenses. Way too big!
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Any motor smaller that 25HP did not need to be licensed, but the boat does. Larger than 25 you license both. As far as insurance, I don't care what size motor or boat, if it can do damage to someone else, I insure it.
You have a $200 Jon boat with a 15 hp motor on a trailer and that trailer comes loose and slams into a Mercedes or a similar, you gonna be able to cover it?
On the license issue, I don't think keeping the receipt is as important anymore but a part of the license they haven't got around to getting rid of. You are on record and they can get that info. My husband lost his Ut license and with the receipt as mention and $5 at the time, a new fishing license. Last year I lost my Idaho, no receipt, $10. got me a new one and second pole. Anymore with the net, I don't think it is that important.
Oh and the Idaho license is the size of a larger register tape...very nice. Credit card size would be awesome.
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Thanks Bob...I guess I need to get my proof of insurance in the boat...thanks