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Hobbs Reservoir in Layton??????
1-Can you fish there?
2-What type of fish are in there?
I've heard people refer to Holmes Creek Res in Layton "Hobbs Pond" before. Are you talking about the place just east of the golf course? If so, that's Holmes Creek. There are some good fish in there, if you can find them...
It must be Hobbs pond, it is on the south side of 193. Behind the Christian Life Center.
I have no idea where that one is. Sorry.
No sure about now but 15 years ago trespassing was strictly enforced with $75.00 tickets from the county mountie. Yes I was on the receiving end of one lol
Sorry guy no fishing permitted:
Thanks for the heads up..
[quote IGOTABITE]Sorry guy no fishing permitted:[/quote]Must be good then!
So why is the DWR stocking it???
The DWR just acquired public access to Hobbs Reservoir starting January 1 2012. It has largemouth bass, bluegill and trout in it. The kicker is that it will be managed experimentally for the next five years for trophy trout. You can keep 2 trout under 15 inches, all trout over 15 inches must be release and artificial lures only. Hopefully we can use this for a different clientele than the folks who use the community water. By the way Adams Reservoir which is in Layton as well will be managed as a Community Fishery and will have the 2-fish community fisheries limit.

Has the DWR ever considered having one of our community ponds managed for trophy LMB? I know guys thinks it hilarious that a community pond could host large bass, but they grow so well in these low elevation, shallow ponds. The only problem is they never get the chance to grow. These fish are caught by the worm chuckers and then harvested. I fish exclusively for bass, and small valley ponds have accounted for a number of my biggest bass. I like the idea of a few of these ponds being used for C&R fishing rather than all being put and take. Kaysville ponds could be a great one to put bass regs on. There is so much food in that pond(frogs and tadpoles), but not many fish large enough to utilize it.
Argh. More trout waters, what is this, Utah! [:p]

Thanks for the skinny Drew. I'd heard some of those rumors before - 'preciate the clarifications. Seems like a cool concept for a community pond. Hope it works.
I'm guessing they'll all be boat-free, are they float-free too, or ???
Sounds like Hobbs has had some fish already.
But Holmes is now OUT of the Community Care Plan, no? Thought they were going to stop planting the finless freddies, and let the bass go for it!

That area is right on the way to Granmas! Have oft wondered about the river that runs along the highway there (84) lower Weeb? Just don't know what the access rules are along there. Just looks like some good muddy waters.

Well - as the ice cometh - maybe that first time on Holmes will be on the harddeck! Will the other's be open come 2012? Do the ice up any good?

[inline HolmesPlus.jpg]
Well now that it's the 1st of the year these waters are fishable? Both Adams and Hobbs are about 5 minutes from me. I haven't been over there in a couple of weeks to check it out for ice/access and whatnot. Has anyone dropped a line in there yet?
Where is the public access located? Thanks.
Just got off the phone with the DWR office in Ogden. Took a bit to get the info confirmed due to the man on the phone having NO IDEA what body of water I was talking about.

Fishery is open

Limit: 2 Trout under 15", anything over must be immediately released

Artificial Flies and Lures only

Now about the access, that's a very good question. The DWR Officer on the phone had no information about where is it legal or not legal to park. I've looked over the map and the only logical place you can park is behind the Layton Christian Academy. All other paved surfaces are residential streets or park trails. I'm going to head over there this afternoon after the wife gets home and give it a good look over. I'll take some pictures and report back tonight.

As far as I know Hobbes is going to be a community pond, so I don't know what you mean by "different clientele." The only difference is the size and bait restrictions.

Not going to touch that one[:p]
Yeah right... Red meat only in Utah.
community pond means no fish,, it the fish and game went after carp and skeeters there would not be any of them left either!,,,sorry but a trophy trout fishery in a bog pond?,,, no freshwater shrimp no may flies no minnows to eat that slew is not a good place for a trophy trout fishery, dumbest thing I haver seen Sad to see it happen again,,,

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