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I've been fishing for several years from the shore in Utah (tooele and Logan) but have mainly used powerbait and salmon eggs. I know that pegs me as a newbie to the sport! And while I have had some success, I know that there are several home brewed recipes out there that may provide greater success without hitting the pocket book.
Winter has led me to online research and I want to make a bait with anise oil. And/or velveeta cheeses, corn meal, fish oils (omega 3 tablets) etc. Fishing with straight corn is banned in UT. We will be targeting catfish, trout, bass and perch this year. Anyone have any winning recipes they would like to share? I'd love to hear!
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Hi mlebagley, welcome to the BFT fishing forums. I've moved your post over to the [url ""]Utah forum[/url] so you can get acquainted with some of your neighbors. You'll likely get responses that a geared towards the areas you fish. The Utah board is one of BFT's most active boards. Be sure to read through some of the past posts. Enjoy the site and post a report when you get a chance.
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i dont know any recipes like that but if your looking to get those species that you mentioned, you cant go wrong with a good ole nightcrawler or any type of waxworm ETC. for trout go for spinners they are usually productive and it goes for more active fishing. jigs spoons lures ETC. but velveeta cheese plain has worked good too for finless freddies.
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I like to make a garlic sauce to dip my plastics and worms in that works very well for the foolish planter trout and catfish.
Take about 8-10 cloves of garlic and dice them up fine and slowly sautee down on low temp in just enough olive oil that will coat it all (not enough to make a soup). You know you are done when you have a nice little mushy paste. Forewarn everyone in your house before you do this. It's going to make a garlic stink inside. Stick it in a baby food jar and when it's time to go fishin just dip your bait in there to get a little coating on it. The garlic mash will go moldy and bad after a few weeks so you'll have to make another batch (keep it refrigerated when you go home). Also when you are baiting up do your best not to get it on your hands. It's a might potent funk that is suprisingly resistant to being cleaned off. And whatever you do don't be dumb and itch your nostril if you have the mash on your finger....not that I've done it [blush].
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First of all mlebagley, using PowerBait and salmon eggs does peg you as a newbee to the sport. But asking for more info pegs you as the kind of person with a desire to learn to improve .... good on ya man.
Also, there are quite a few "seasoned" fishermen that use powerbait and eggs and do quite well. Personaly I don't for several reasons that I won't go into here.
All that said, here are my favorite "baits":
[ul][li][#000000][size 4]A small piece of worm on a tiny lure for whitefish.[/size][/#000000][/li][li][#000000][size 4]A small piece of chub for trout[/size][/#000000][/li][/ul]
But anyway, welcome to the site and thanks for posting a good question.
--- Coot ---
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That's funny - I'll second that Coot.
Sometimes when it comes down to it, what I catch fish on is a plain hook and crawler. I might entertain myself by pitching every lure, jig, spoon, spinner, or plastic I've got - and feel almost cheated to catching more fish on the simplest presentation.
If it ain't broke - ya know, what works works. Worms, minnows - the match the hatch notion - give 'em stuff they like to eat, or things that look like they need chasing!
There are lots of home-remedies for catfish baits. Hit youtube and be prepared - some require gloves and a safety mask! Ever see Malcom in the Middle with Granmas super nasty barrel of slime and aged sleeze! Ugh.
Anise for trout, garlic for - well trout, plus. Corn scent - or fishy smells - anchovie, etc - good for trout. Cheese scent - good for cats. Liver, shrimp, minnows, cut-bait (carp strips).
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buy the trout sent and mix it with Vaseline it wont freeze. you can also add other flavor like crawdad etc. you will have to cook your own recipe but this is a good start.[  ]
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Now there is a simple thought...if I added anise to the vaseline would that work too? And the vaseline won't wash away either, but would help it to stick to the lure too.. I read about a guy that froze his hooks (hook sticking out) in an ice cube tray filled with catliver/corn flakes/ sweet corn and he said THAT worked like a charm for the catfish....I wonder if this vaseline idea would work better than the freezing that stuff...because oils absorb scents like crazy... hmmm....
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what is your favorite/most effective spinner. There seem to be about 500 varieties out there!
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So here's a question then....if you mixed your garlic mixture with vaseline (like IceHog suggests doing with another attractant) would it last longer? And is moldy garlic goo discouraging to a fish...or would it make them crazy excited to feed?
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one more question...I also heard that a softened corn pop on the line just above a dangling worm made the worm more attractive. How do you know its not the amazing wiggly worm but that little bit of corn pop that does the trick? So many great ideas to try! Thanks for everyone's responses!
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blue fox vibrax spinners in 1/4 oz size. color depends water clarity and matching prey in the body of water.also panther martins are good too they are just a little more money than the bluefox packs at walmart. i get 3 for 5 bucks pretty good.
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Just be aware - at least in Utah, corn is prohibited as a bait. Don't think you'd have problems with corn flakes, or corn pops, but popped corn might be a different story.
In a Kokanee book - they went on about using White ShoePeg Corn, and making a collection of scent mixes. Tended to pair something like Anise with a fish scent, or garlic with crawdad.
For trout - I really like Jakes lures - some spinners, some more spoon-like. Everybody likes flashy spots!
Also started tying up blades and beads with good success of catfish, bass, trout - musky even.
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[cool][#0000ff]All the talk about garlic...I am surprised nobody has suggested using plain old garlic powder. Sprinkle a bit in a new bottle of salmon eggs, let it sit a few hours and you will have some great bait.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You can also sprinkle the powder in almost any other oily scent crawdad. Almost all species of fish like garlic.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you are going to target perch more this year you can use my PPP...processed perch pieces. They work very well both in open water and under the ice. Perch are surprisingly scent oriented. But trout and other species like this stuff too.[/#0000ff]
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Your tutorial was fantastic! Are there any UT regulations that prohibit the use of game fish (like perch) as bait? LOVE the garlic powder idea...lots easier then stewing garlic into a paste.... Thanks for sharing!
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Raw hamburger. Surprised no one mentioned it. A small ball of raw burger on a small treble with a split shot kills browns and bows. It works best in slow moving streams because it distributes the blood and fat scent. No joke, it is extremely effective.
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Oh Yaaa! I'm going to have to try that one - Thanks ]
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[size 3]MLE: Here's the regs. concerning bait, directly from the booklet that hopefully you've either already read, or will read:
[/size][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 1][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 1]Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-12
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2]While you are fishing, [#ff0000]it is unlawful to: [/#ff0000]
• Use or possess corn, hominy or live baitfish
• Use or possess tiger salamanders (live or dead)
• Use or possess any bait if you are on waters designated artificial fly and lure only
• Use or possess artificial baits that are commercially imbedded or covered with fish or fish parts
[#ff0000]• Use or possess bait in the form of fresh or frozen fish or fish parts, except as provided below[/#ff0000]:
• Dead Bonneville cisco may be used as bait only in Bear Lake.
[#ff0000]• Dead yellow perch may be used as bait only in Deer Creek, Echo, Fish Lake, Gunnison, Hyrum, Johnson, Jordanelle, Mantua, Mill Meadow, Newton, Pineview, Rockport, Starvation, Utah Lake, Willard Bay and Yuba reservoirs. [/#ff0000]
• Dead white bass may be used as bait only in Utah Lake and the Jordan River.
• Dead shad from Lake Powell may be used as bait only in Lake Powell. It is illegal to remove dead shad from the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area.
• Dead, fresh or frozen saltwater species, including sardines and anchovies, may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• Dead mountain sucker, white sucker, Utah sucker, redside shiner, speckled dace, mottled sculpin, fathead minnow, Utah chub and common carp may be used as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
• The eggs of any species of fish caught in Utah, except prohibited fish, may be used in any water where bait is permitted. You may not, however, take or use eggs from fish that are being released.
You may only use live crayfish for bait if you are on the water where the crayfish were captured. It is unlawful to transport live crayfish away from the water where they were captured.
You may use commercially prepared and chemically treated baitfish or their parts as bait in any water where bait is permitted.
Manufactured, human-made items that may not be digestible—including items that have been chemically treated with food stuffs, chemical fish attractants or feeding stimulants—may not be used on waters where bait is prohibited.
If the Utah Wildlife Board has declared that a water is infested with an aquatic invasive species—or the water is subject to a closure order or control plan—you may not transport any species of baitfish (live or dead) from that water to use in any other water. To determine whether a water is infested, visit [/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2][/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2][font "Myriad Pro Cond,Myriad Pro Cond"][size 2].
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If that went to English 101 court, he'd be innocent. The subject of that sentence (and consequently all sub-bullets) is "fresh or frozen fish" so not sure where you were going with tbat one.
I'm sure your personal interpretation is coming...
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I hope you read this post before you type your reply to my previous one.
Diregard. I'm the idiot here as I thought you were replying to the hamburger post! HAHA.
Your post is dead on. My bad! Sorry.