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Time to upgrade my Trout Gear Need Help
Good day

I have been Trout fishing for several years and would like to make the move from Walmart gear to Premium gear. I currently use a Okuma Epixor mounted to a Quantom IM6 5'6" rod. I usually throw RoosterTails or fish with wax worms or corn.

I think I have the reel selection narrowed down to a Shimano Stratic CI4. But when it comes to the rod I am lost, any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. The 3 below are what I was thinking about so far

Falcon BuCoo
StCroix Avid
TFO Gary Loomis series
A few comments:

I haven't used the CI4. I think that it is about a $200 reel, and Shimano makes excellent reels, but I would spend more on a rod than I would on a reel. I have 7' a St. Croix Avid UL rod and love it. I haven't used the other rods you mentioned, but you can't go wrong with a St. Croix. One other rod company that you might want to take a look is Phenix. They make some top quality trout rods.

I am fortunate to able to buy premium gear, but that Shimano, Daiwa, Abu Garcia and Pflueger all make excellent reels for around $100. I just bought a $90 Daiwa Aird because I liked its feel and features.

I haven't been fishing for that long (since Nov 2011) but I do a lot of research before I buy anything. My first setup was from walmart, just some ugly stick combo for around $20 just to see if I'd stick to fishing.

From here I spent around $130 getting a daiwa spinmatic 6'6 UL rod paired with a President (6925) reel which I feel has been a good multi-purpose setup.
the shimano reel is a great pick, i use them for my guide service, as for a rod i would go with the TFO, me and some other guides that i work with love them and use them on a daily basis, the combo is great for all sizes of fish with plenty of sensitivity. good luck and tight lines

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