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Fished Huntington on the 29th of Sept. Sorry about the late post.
First of all I wish to thank Fuzzyfisher from Mt. Pleasant for the tackle tips. You made my day. I had fished Huntington several times in the summer and through the ice and I had never pulled anything out larger than 13-14 inches.
I launched my canoe w/ electric trolling motor just as the sun was hitting the tops of the trees, still kind of shadowy n' dark. I wasnt even on the water 5 minutes before I had my first of many 16 - 17 inch Tiger Trout on the line. What a fabulous day!!
I started the day off alone and was the only one at the lake for an hour or so. I was so excited about catching the big fish and so many of them that I was bummed that no one else was there to share it with me!!
Later that morning I noticed a gentleman on the shore fishing I pulled up to him, tossed him in the canoe and we had an absolute ball catching great numbers of Tiger Trout. Fishing really is a lot more fun when you have someone there to share it with...even if it is a total stranger.
Anyway, here are a few pics of some of our best ones. I was kind of bummed for a while.....I had not checked the catch & release record this year and supposed that it still stood at right around 17 1/2 inches. When I caught my 18 incher I had thought it to be a new catch & release record. Boy was I bummed to see that the new record of 20 inches was set this past summer. I guess that is why I am going back again this Monday!!!!
I must add that even if I had not caught a darn thing all day long the drive, the scenery, and the fall colors was well worth the drive from Davis County. Loved it.
Here are a few photos - Don't know what was best, the fishing or the scenery behind us!! FISHING!!
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Way to go Rob. Those tiger trout are sure some beautiful fish, and I'm sure that Hal had a great time fishing with you.
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nice tigers very generous of you to pick up a total stranger up from the bank i'm sure you made his day
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Those are some really nice fish rgreenland. Congrats. It sure was nice of you to pick up the older guy and let him enjoy the fishing too. Good luck next time you head out.
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Nice fish rgreenland, i have tried for the tigers but only from shore one of these days i hope to get out on the water and then maybe i will catch some of those nicer ones. also that was very generous of you to invite that guy out on your canoe, i have to agree i bet it made his day.
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great pics, and good report . . but what did ya catch them on?
[  ]
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I'll be up that way this weekend. Is the fishing good enough for my 2 little bro's and grandpa to catch 3 or 4 fish a peice? I was just gonna fish Scofeild all weekend after that monster a couple of weeks ago, but after seeing those gorgous fish, I want one for the wall. Any bait or lures work better than others? Also, would it be any good from shore? Thanks for any info.
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If you are going to fish from shore you'll have to stick to the area around the dam. When going along the shoreline in the canoe I saw a lot (A LOT!!) of moss that would cause you lots of problems fishing from shore. In the past when I have fished from shore, worms were the trick. Also, the guy I picked up from shore was tellign me that he usually tosses a 1/4 to 1/2 oz lure. Looks like a spoon with kind of an orange tiger look on one side and solid silver on the other side. After I got out of my canoe I tossed a silver castmaster a few times and did get a hit. Also, if you feel like a nice long walk, you can go to the opposite side of the lake from the road. I didnt see much moss over there. I had my fish finder and that side does seem to be more shallow than the one closest to the road. Cruzing around the entire lake I didnt find one single depth deeper than 31 feet. The majority of the lake is 23-27 ft deep.
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hey way to go dude nice fish!! glad my info helped.. did you try the flatfish i tolled you about? i think i am going up tomorow and see if i can hang some of them tigers my self.. going to take a tape this time tho.. that is if i dont have any thing going on in the addition to my house[  ] it's takeing way to much of my fishing time [cool]
from the fuzzyfisher------------------------------fish on dudes
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Nice report & pics
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Wow, great report and pics! I've only been there once, and I was out in my float tube flyfishing with a wooly bugger. I only caught 3 or 4, and only about 12 inches, but that was like 5 years ago and they've obviously gotten a lot bigger in there now! I can't wait to go back. Unfortunately, I won't have time to go back up there until next summer, but it's DEFINITELY on my list!!
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I sure want to get up there and catch some of those Tigers, what were you trolling with and at what speed? Did you catch more at any one spot on the lake? Thanks for any info, WH2
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Thanks for the info! I guess I'll just make them walk a little ways. [  ] It would be nice to get one as good as any of those great looken fish you caught!
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Nice pics. It looked like a good time was had by all. It is alot more fun to fish with some one.
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The fish were caught on several things. Fuzzyfisher suggested 2 different kinds of flat fish on leaded line. I couldnt find the "white with red dots" flat fish before I headed up there so I got one that looked similar. It caught one or two. The other suggested flat fish was solid silver. It caught several fish as well. And since I didnt have any lead line I went and bought a 3/4 weight. the weight was in the shape of a triangle. I put it on my line and then attatched the flat fish about 3 ft behind it.
As soon as I got on the lake I wasnt hooked up so I took my spare pole and threw on a size 1 Blue Fox spinner. It was silver wtih a blue bell. My thought was that I would buzz around the lake with that on while I was hooking up my main rod with the flat fish. I wasnt even on the water 5 min when I had my first one of the morning on that Blue Fox.
Later, after I had picked up Hal, he caught fish and only used one spoon. The spoon was solid silver on one side and kind of a tiger print on the other (orange, yellow, black). I switched around to a few different things like a kastmaster and a Jakes. The silver kastmaster did pretty good. The Jakes (Gold w/red dots) was awesome as well.
As far as where and how fast.....we caught fish pretty much everywhere on the lake. Maybe a few more close to the dam, but the fish seemed pretty evenly distributed. No "hot spots". I tried trolling on speed 1, 2, and 3. I caught fish on all speeds, but we stuck to speed #1 the most and I think did the best at that speed. On speed #2 we would have lots of hits and lots of misses. Speed #1 is where we got the hookups.
Not sure if that helps with the speed.......I was in a 17ft Old Town canoe. I was using a 35lb thrust electric trolling motor that has 5 forward speeds and 3 reverse speeds. The motor is about 8-9 years old.
Hope that helps. Today is the 10th. I will be going back up to Huntington on Monday the 13th. Hopefully to have a repeat performance of my previous visit. I'd be happy to post my report again after monday if yall want to hear it.
Let me know if anyone has any more questions and I would be happy to share the info. I'll try to get the digital camera out soon and take photos of the flat fish and other lures I used so you can see them.
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thanks for the details!