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Let's all follow the rules.....
I am not one to stir up drama, or put people down, and any of you that have met me know this. That being said, I personally love fishing for walleye (taste and the challenge), but legally. I am hoing a post from yesterday was just someone not knowing any better, but I personally hate to see a post of "big eye bashing" at least during the spawn, since these are the big females producing the young. I swung by the spot where this event was said to have taken place, and this is what I found...

I am not trying to throw anyone under the bus, but I truly hope this was an honest mistake.
Walleye are not native. Kill them all and save the June Sucker. It's for God and nature.

p.s. the info on that sign can be found in the proc.
If you do the crime you do the time! In this case get ticketed. I fully support our Fish and Game in prosecuting any laws that are broken. I do the best I can to know the proclamation and I always have one in my fishing box or my car to make sure I am doing everything legal. The proclamation or guide books are FREE for a reason. Laws are put out to protect our fisheries and future fisherman. So read and do your part. 'Nuff Said!
(Almost speechless, snickering) You can try.....
This sign is hillarious. Long live Five Man Electric Band and all the other real Americans.

[Image: 6a00d8341bf80a53ef01538fd811d0970b-500wi]
Free speech is great. Love the sign.
Utah dnr... i hope you read this and leave me alone! i don't break your rules so please the next time you plan to camp out at the bottom of the canyon to hopefully catch me littering (no joke) please leave my alone I support you financially every year so you will stop poachers and protect wild life not harass me when i'm out camping or enjoying the outdoors!!! so if you feel the need... please approach me when i'm in the act of something. your fish and game not the fbi! I would be more than glad to show you my licenses and anything you want if you come to my face and ask.. hiding in the trees in camo with night vision, or calling the sheriff and animal control in for backup because i'm might have littered (also no joke) is MESSED UP!! please go after the real poachers and rule breakers, i'm losing more respect for dnr officers everyday!
That was exactly what I was thinking setthehook! I've just about had enough with reality, I'm ready for some "I'm going fishing and camping but I know you are watching me and you know that I'm watching you while you are watching me, don't think for one moment that I don't know you are watching, I may even trick you to think that I'm not watching and watch you even though my head looks like I'm not watching" outdoorsy stuff. Amen.
thank you i'm glad i'm not the only one that has been bothered. I don't know if they are just over staffed and theirs nothing for them to do.. or if they are really just trained to be NOT NICE INDIVIDUALS. I didn't litter and was followed all they way to my house to tell me that i made the right choice by not littering.... and then a sheriff arrived and just made something dumb and a waist of time and money even more of a waist of time and money!!!!! Treat me with respect and you will get it in return! any way i was released without any warning or citation.... odd considering i did nothing wrong
Wow, what part of the state do you live in? All of my CO encounters have gone well, minus the time I couldn't find my license, which I did after getting a ticket (years ago).[crazy]

That guy was even decent to me, even though he though I was full of it.

All other times, the CO approaches, we exchange howdy's, and I'm already pulling out my license to show him/her. They're always nice and chat for a few, then leave.

They don't even get spooked about my pistol, when they hike in to find me.

I'm glad I haven't run into any of the ones I'm always hearing about. Maybe it's all in the reaction to their approach? Hard to say. I'm sure there are some jerks out there, like any line of work.
I also can't complain about my encounters with any DNR officers. I was unloading my boat the other day and there was one in his truck in the parking lot. My friend had been fishing off the bank near the launch. The officer checked him and then checked the orientals over by the bridge. He even searched their car. I figured I would get checked once I got everything ready. I was surprised that he just drove off right as I parked my truck and was walking back to my boat. First time I saw a DNR officer and didn't get checked. But every other time I have seen one, they have asked for my license and, fortunately, have been really nice - but I can't say the same for the cops in Logan. That's a whole other story.
yes most of the time i find that they are very respectful and they are just doing there jobs... its just recently i've had a couple of experiences that have left me feeling a bit violated. I am always up to date with current proclamations and follow all the rules to the book. I'm hoping eventually they will start remembering me and realize this...... Although they make me a bit nervous when they grab my loaded shot gun out of my hands to check for my plug, knowing i have a shell chambered and the safety is off. I do appreciate what they do usually..... just not recently! makes me wondering what kind of training they actually go through.....
As a quick aside: The term "orientals" is passe, much like "colored" for African-Americans (which used to be widely acceptable, and respectful, a long time ago). Generally, "Asian" is currently the most used.

Not busting anyone's chops. Never heard a hint of disrespect or closed mindedness from you, or most of us here. Just something I learned myself a while back.
[quote setthehook]makes me wondering what kind of training they actually go through.....[/quote]

They act like they've been trained in Russia by nazi's. I tell my DNW friends that they're always pissed because they're paid like crap. They disagree when their friends or dads are around acting all macho but when we go out alone they tell me they are BROKE!

I use that term in no disrespect, obviously. I have a lot of friends that are Laotian, and they refer to other Laotians and Thai's as oriental, and I have done the same with them in their presence. But I can totally understand what you are saying.
Having worked with the dnr back in 04 as dedicated hunt project cord assist. I noticed that most of the officers were over worked andunderpayed. They do not have a set schedule they get called often in middle of night to help with a missing person or poaching call, and they have never once pissed and moaned about it. If you have had a bad experience I am sorry. Just remember they are responsible for the wildlife in the state of Utah and the 2 legged critters that often are not responsible sportsman like we are. Sometimes we think they make wrong decisions or are bulling us around they are just doing what they are trained to do to keep 2 and 4 legged critters safe. My hats go off to them I have been approached by the accasional dnr officer with a chip on his shoulders but I just brush it aside and chalk it up to the fact that they started the day in a good mood and ended up dealing with a real a@# hole. I can understand how that could happen as a truck driver I leave the house in the morning in a great mood, but after a few hours dealing with yahoos on the road I can get a chip on my shoulders. Lets cut them a break and let them do there jobs. Just Smile when they approach you and if they are in a mood just brush it off. As out British fellows say (KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP)
Well said Big Griggs
for the most part i feel they do a pretty great job and i appreciate and respect what they do.... But sorry no sympathy for being over worked and under payed. choose a different profession! and considering I help pay their salary, Its unfortunate to see dollars wasted on nothing! Was it really necessary to bring in animal control and a sheriff? Money in the trash! I guess i would just appreciate and expect a little more respect as a rule abiding outdoorsman. Possible littering does not call for a CIA like response...... Frustrating.... enough said. And for the dnr officers who are respectful and do there job well i very much appreciate what you do to protect what i am passionate about the most!
[quote setthehook] But sorry no sympathy for being over worked and under payed. choose a different profession! and considering I help pay their salary![/quote]

I do not know you situation with littering and i do not care to know but acording to your logic on the topic everyone who is over worked and under payed gets no sympathy. Man i am glad my wife didnot hear someone say that she would make a unic out of a coment like that[bobhappy][bobhappy]

I guess you have never been over worked and under payed? I know i sure have i know of a whole lot of peaple who are under payed and over worked, I guess we should all just quit. What a society that would be. I mean you no disrespect or malice but we all pay there salary. not just you. I am sure they had there reason for your incident wether it was uncalled for or not. We gave them the right to do that when our elected officials hired them. no disrespect Setthehook

Big_Riggs is out PIEECCCEEE!!!!
+1 on that!

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