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$46. Calif. fishing license (TAX!)
To fish fresh & salt water, two rods at once in fresh, and to catch Striped Bass equals $46.<br><br>I pay them to close down the ocean so they can do anything other than police the ocean, which is their duty.<br><br>I give up on figuring out the "New" rock cod regs. Every year it's some new complicated rule. The overall "Message" from the DFG, stop fishing.<br><br>Guys that want to give it aq try on a half day boat here in California must pay $7.50 for a one day license (TAX!)<br><br>That's quite a bite from a $25. fare. Say, 30%? Sort of a surcharge to further dissuade the adventerous.<br><br>And the REALLY "Cool" part is that these monies are given to the Calif. General Fund to be pissed away by Gov Gray Davis and the Totally Democratic Assemby and House. <br><br>Trying to get along or compromise with these...(Insert your favorite cuss word here) bureaucrats. Fire 'um all. Make 'um get real jobs for once in their lives. The Calif. DFG is INFESTED with Biology majors who can't find "Jobs" anywhere else. <br><br>They could care less about hunting or fishing. They just want to study stuff. Read books and have meetings. Have coffee breaks and lunch. Get their retirements. Do as little work as possible.<br><br>Lazy, good for nothing bureaucrats. I HATE them!! Do you?<br><br>
These stinking politicians and bleeding heart envoromentalists and the likes of (spit on the ground here) PETA are going to make it so the only place you will be able to get fish is at the supermarket, but no worries it will be about $25.00 a pound.<br><br>Get involved, write letters, vote, raise hell and most of all UNITE! we fishermen/women represent quite a block of votes and we need to make our combined voices heard in the state capital, we also support a multibillion (yes BILLION!) dollar industry who will rapidly follow Enron if we can't fish. <br>Personaly I don't plan to spend the rest of my days collecting friggin stamps and watching TV.<br><br>Remember, fishing is not a way of is life.<br> <br><br>
Chicken Ship mother 4Qz<br>Pardon my slang but damn this is some absolute bull *&^%!<br>We are being 100% violated. <br><br>No reach around, No rub!<br><br>United Anglers has a bus going up to Sacramento on I believe Feb. 8th to fight at a DFG meeting. I will post more info, Im for sure going. <br><br><br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br>Romero
Mornin' Ace, you are up early!<br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br>Romero

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