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UVU bass club May 5th Qualifier
The UVU bass club is doing a qualifier on May 5, 2012 on Deer Creek Resevoir. Due to morning cold, we will most likely go out later in the morning and not at 5 am…(I’m thinking 9am registration and 10 am launch with a 4 pm check back in) I am just seeing if your schedules are going to be free…

Calling all boat captains

We are offering 40 bucks for gas, a catered lunch, and good company…we had a pretty good time at the last one.

e-mail me if you can possibly be there to help


UVU Bass Club Advisor
What are you guys Bankers or fisherman???
Cliff, look at the rules of the College program, they only fish 6 hours on their regular events. So, the kids have to learn to find and catch fish under short day conditions.
Kids?? A kid to me is any one under 13..

UVU is a College not Jr high school I think??

They should fish tournaments the way other tournaments are..Day brake to the end...
How nice it must be to have that sort of time cliff. Why does the length of the tournament matter that much
well you are right also there is another event on that day and we are trying to accomodate them so we over lap as little as possible...we do appreciate any help we can get (this goes for both Matt and Cliff)


Here is what I think, you guys need to make your TX a pro am style event so the Boat captain can fish, shared weight, one pro and one co per boat. Have a option pot for the captains, not fishing as a captain is Okay a few times a year with the youth but for adults no. Count me out, two hour drive to get there, boat fuel, wear and tear plus sit and watch them fish.
Wake up!! Length has nothen to do with what I said..
Starting time is what I am talking about...

Getting on the water before the power squad or even before other fisherman or any other tournaments get a three hour start on it...
Deer creek has two ramps (I think[crazy]) one go out of one and the other group goes out the other...

You are doing a disservice to any of the fisherman in your tournament by giving the others a head start...

Deer creek is a small lake and only a few good spots to fish...
+ 1..

$20 for letting them use or fish out of yours or my boat is out.. $20.00 is only four gal of gas or Del. and even on Deer creek my boat will use that much...
I agree completely with " Watchthis1 " You have a Bass Club with few or no boats, if you want to attract boat captains you need to go pro-am style.
facts for me
Mileage= 230 round trip
truck fuel= 23 gal at $3.67 per gal= $84.41
boat fuel= 10 gal at $3.77 per gal= $37.70
boat oil = $25 per gal
a missed day of fishing = no price (we are not captains, we are fisherman that love the game way more then any of you.)
also I can not fish and try to gain my loss back. Plus you may learn a few things " for Real" so you would be better fishermen at your flw tx's.
fiction for me
anyone taking complete advantage of me and my equipment, and then when they suck, its my boats fault. I have had this happen.
now the cash
i'm out $134.61 and I get $40 that leaves me out of pocket $94.61 and out a day. So with that said two guys should pay $67.35 each and provide breakfast lunch and dinner.
P.S. not being Rude just Being Real, with it as a pro am I cover half expenses am covers the other half. That seems fun and fair.
Email me or call me I am new to this so I am always open for constructive suggestions... I like the idea of the pro am seriously sounds fun

We have plenty of boat captains who are more then willing to help us. We are simply asking for guys to support a college team. If you aren't willing to offer us your support then just don't. We are college kids and unfortunately we don't have Our own boats to do these tournaments or we would. Sorry if it offends you that we can't affOrd to pay a large sum to our VOLUNTEERS. But for now this is the best we can do. I guess if you feel the need to be rude then go ahead. Just know there are plenty of people who will support us and are happy to do it.
What would probably be best, is to get with some of the local club presidents,on the FLW side of things, and see if they could get a few of there guys on board to help you. This way it would be minimal in $ for the boaters and the guys from UVU. This freaking game is just way to expensive. Remember to work that sponsorship package that you already have in place for you. The big boys don't want this to go away. keep up the good work.
Thanks watchthis1,

we are new and we are learning and growing...we have come a long way really fast and we are very quick to thank those who have helped. Without help and volunteers and sponsors we would be a couple of guys in my office dreaming still. Now there is a place for kids who want to fish in college in Utah to go and make their dream come true...we can't do it without help and I am more than willing to meet people half way. In fact I like the idea of a pro-am so much I am beginning to fund raise to get this to happen in the fall on Sand Hollow or Quail. I will try to get more compensation for our volunteers but there is no guarantee we can do much better than we are...
What I see is young MEN not KIDS and as adults they need to pay there own way...
When anyone fishes with me they pay half, but as an adult to want some one to take you fishing and not want him to fish just watch you and then not even pay his expenses (gas) ...

I help out the KIDS fishing any time I can but you people are adults so pay your way...

And the part of a Pro am that would work even if the boaters fish boaters and non boaters fish against non boaters and split the costs..
The term kids is relative...they are young men and ladies so they are kids to me.

about paying for themselves..I have the benefit of knowing a little about each of them and the economic make up of their family situations. When you figure cost of education even at UVU is about 18 grand a year for in state students and double that for out of state, and they have to be full time to doesn't take a genius to figure out they don't have a lot of money. Most have jobs, most work the summer selling circuit to make ends meet. I am proud of how they handle these situations.

Having said that, the University does not offer scholarships for a fishing team. Nor do they offer meal stipends or living expenses or a tackle allowance. Most of these guys are probably eating top ramen as a staple.

It is very fulfilling for them to make it through college with these struggles. And when they do, they are better men and women for it. The call for volunteers is just that, if someone wants to show kindness and help us out they do, we know the compensation offered is not worth anyone's while alone. My kid (10) is in a bass club and I know for a fact I am more able to pay the actual costs for a boat captain for him than these college students would be for their tournaments. Nor are their parents in a situation to give them an extra 20 bucks sometimes. At least one of the guys sold Plasma to pay his last boat captain, he probably had company..

I am super proud of this team and I will put my neck out on the line for them any day to try and make the team and their experience better.

You know what Mr. State record holder?? Get off hour high horse and volunteer some time and money for the next generation of bass fisherman! There are plenty of people that don't like "tournament guys"! Let's help them not make them think that other bass anglers don't want to help. If money is the issue you wouldn't do it yourself!!! Spend one less day catching 30" browns and help some "kids"/ college students! In the end it will pay greater to lend a helping hand(boat) than to complain about a few bucks! If you don't want to help out for the right reasons then by all means save the "kids" from their time with you!
Thank you bigfish22. I really appreciate your words.

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