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Mighty Miss. River
This would be my 1st fishing trip on the miss. river. Me and a friend stayed the whole weekend on the miss. river. Took the 1st day and night too figure out our tech.(Caught 2 smaller ones.)After the 2nd night we tryed around a grain elevator and caught a few decent ones. [Image: 5zo17d.jpg] This was my biggest, was about 17-18inches long didnt pop a measurement on this one. [Image: 4h62ky.jpg] My bud Snagged him a decent one right after me. Then About an hour before we decided too pack it up, My friend snagged this bad boy [Image: vq4hux.jpg] It measured 31 inches on the money, I Wish i would have bought a weight scale we both agreed that it was over 20lbs. It was pretty heavy.(picture was taken at my house fish was already frozen =).) All In All I was satisfied with the trip.Planning on another outting, I want a decent photo fish.Everything we caught was on raw beef stew meat, Didnt have time too gather fresh shad. Also anyone else have any helpful fishing info. on the river? Any info. would be appreciated. [signature]
We just made it back from another trip last nyte. Have some better pics, and will fix the one from
1st trip.
We finally went back fri. night. Using the same carolina rigs with beef stew meat and chicken
gizzards. Caught 4 decent fish.(all channel cats and blues, Havnt snagged a flat head yet.)

Heres my 2 cats:
[Image: s45gfa.jpg]
[Image: 2csie8m.jpg]

My friends:
[Image: rkylg7.jpg]
[Image: 54vu9v.jpg]
were you guys camped out on the bank or what?
Nah we didnt camp, its about a hour drive from my house. We actually just sat around fishing for about 10-13 hours, Then went back home and crashed for a few hours then hit it again the next night. And all of my fishing is by land, i may get dropped off somewhere you need a boat. But i hate fishing out of boats.

We have recently been back. 1st time really getting too use my Abu Garcia bxc 7000 and the dang thing starts slipping on me, then the gears just totally go out Haha still had fun.
god I want too go fishing here again. If anyone is familiar with or has the article who caughgt
the 8ft 300+ lbs alligator gar out of the miss. can you please leave me the url?
Cant find it anywhere on the net, saw jeremy wade with it on tv not long ago.
Great looking group of fish!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
very Nice,but it looks like your buddies got the biggens hu[sly].Jeremiah![Image: yell.gif]Good Luck hooking into a rivermonster.
Scared if these went back in there and camped... there are some old hillbilly clans still way back in some of those areas in the slews and if you go in there you don't come back, you disappear..
I wasn't trying to say these guys here did that but there are some old clans that live back in there and ya need to be careful if you go back in there.
[url "http://../../../cgi-bin/community/community.cgi?do=user_page;pg=user_profile_view.html;username=Jeremiah_Owens"]hmm[/url]
Byte,sorry for your loss but it doesn't mean they can't fish where ever they want,its a big river... share it.I've said things like that so guys would stay out of my spots but thats a really big river..I don't believe a true fisherman would do such a thing,ease up a bit buddy.I respect all fishermen,even you.Fishermen may do whatever they wish on their own time but when its time to fish,lets fish,no funny buiseness.
The people that think they own waterways are def. not gone.
Every since my beggining of summer fishing, ive had people take pot shots at you from the
side of bridges, hit you with spotlights while your fishing, and im not a drinker, tis why we
and my friend started packin when we go fishing.
Also a second note, here in louisiana 9/10 people are thieves. Just had a homemade slat trap
stolen from a creek. Little midget man on a 4-wheeler, i have my eye on you.
I wasn't about fishermen that share fishing waters and I think Jeremiah owens nows that.

if you go about 5 miles north of West Memphis on the AR side of the mississippi you are off in the backwoods. There are no cops there. They have been moonshining back in those areas 100 years. The West Memphis police don't even go back in there.

some of the largest blue cats are caught back in there but you hear stories of people taking their four wheel trucks back in there to fish and that's the last you hear. And they aren't RUMORS.

Ya don't risk your life with those guys back up there. I am sure Jeremiah knows some areas down there that are just the same.

You leave those people alone. They don't give a dam about the fish you might catch.

It's still the wild west once you get west of Nashville in may areas.

Just leave those good ole boys alone and they will leave you alone.

That what I meant.

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