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Lake Lowell BG
so I am wanting too hit L. Lowell for bluegill perch tomorrow if my wife does not have too work, are any of you ready too go out and give it a try, depending on this wind and temp. may have the fish is an off mood but better than work I guess, and I have a boat so no worries there.... PM me if you wanna go, probably will be about noon or so I will start, but that's if the wife decides she doesn't want too work... fished with Neil and Michael other than that I havn't fished with anyone else that I can think of,
I would like to do it sometime but can't tomorrow. I would like to fish with a bunch of the guys on this forum I will post an invite soon.
Be careful bluegill and perch are gateway fish.
I have too with draw my offer, I ended up buying a new boat yesterday and I am showing my boat today, and cleaning it up, so I can't go,

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