06-14-2012, 09:00 AM
Got out to see if anything is biting yet with the spawn mostly done, and the improved water flows. In the early morning, got a cooler load of skippies in 1 hour at the chick dam. Went out on some holes or channels in the flats, and managed one Flathead, and several nice Blues, including this 34 lber. Our 3 1/2 year old Anna enjoyed the trip. When I hooked into something, she was amused guessing what it might be as I brought it to the boat. When she saw the flathead, she got so excited...&quot;Its a FLATTY!!!! Look Daddy, mean flatty!!!&quot; The skippy head was still on the hook, and she exclaims &quot;Poor fishy, mean flatty!!!&quot; Eventually she starts petting it and talking to him, finally saying, &quot;Pretty Flatty, be good!&quot;<br /><br />Either way, too hot almost to enjoy it on the water during a sunny day.