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Henry's Lake 6/23-27
Spent 5 days on Henry's this week. Not a place I would normally go but can’t pass up a free cabin and dock on the lake. We had a good time with family and friends. My wife was finally able to go with Avery and I so that was nice. We caught a lot of fish but no bruisers. Tuesday was so windy we bagged fishing and drove through the park. The bison were thick and the people were stupid!

Avery and I have logged over 1800 miles this month chasing fish – I think I have a fishing problem![Image: bobwink.gif]
That is a great looking bunch of fish. The last time I was over there we had some for breakfast. it was great. I don't see a fishing problem [cool]
Looks like you had a good time. Sometimes the people are more fun to watch than the buffalo.

Looks like a blast [cool]
nice, congrats on fish.
I looked for you over there, but never could see you. I got there on Monday and got in the lake at about 3. I am going to post something with a few photos as well. Fun times.
Nice to hear that the fishin' has been good thanks for the post. I'm hopefully heading over there in about 5 hours if I can wrap things up here at work. Spending a week not thinking about nothing but what fly to try next. I'll let you guys know how it goes...
Great trip. Thanks for the report. No bruisers, but that one in the 2nd pic looks pretty good.
I have got to get to Henry's! I love catching trout that size and if those aren't the big ones in there that would have to be a blast!
Nice work! I'd be pretty happy with the fish you guys got! Hopefully my boy will take to fishing as well as Avery! Good stuff man! Keep it coming
Nice job!

I too have a fishing problem and the first step is acceptance so congratulations. I'm currently in the bargaining phase (mostly with my wife). It is definitely hereditary so I'm afraid Avery might be also be afflicted. Good luck.
very nice, how does those fish taste? every slim-rock i've ever had taste like fish poop......[sly]
Quote:very nice, how does those fish taste? every slim-rock i've ever had taste like fish poop......[sly]

Not from Henry's. I think I have some in the freezer from December. I'll bring you some tomorrow if you want to try it. It's most excellent table fair.

I think the biggest part of how fish tastes has to do with how it's taken care of and the water conditions at time of harvest. I had some perch from Cascade last some that didn't taste all that good. It tasted, as you said, like fish poop. I think it was because I didn't get them on ice soon enough.....
[quote iwantabuggy]
Quote:very nice, how does those fish taste? every slim-rock i've ever had taste like fish poop......[sly]

Not from Henry's. I think I have some in the freezer from December. I'll bring you some tomorrow if you want to try it. It's most excellent table fair.

I think the biggest part of how fish tastes has to do with how it's taken care of and the water conditions at time of harvest. I had some perch from Cascade last some that didn't taste all that good. It tasted, as you said, like fish poop. I think it was because I didn't get them on ice soon enough.....[/quote]

get back too work....[cool]
[quote Untangler]Nice job!

I too have a fishing problem and the first step is acceptance so congratulations. I'm currently in the bargaining phase (mostly with my wife). It is definitely hereditary so I'm afraid Avery might be also be afflicted. Good luck.[/quote]


[quote Duck-Slayer]very nice, how does those fish taste? every slim-rock i've ever had taste like fish poop......[sly]

They were great. We only keep two fish up until the last day and then the wife and Avery keep a limit. My wife hates c&R so I had to let her bring home a few!! We ate the first two there on the BBQ. Fantastic! All about the prep like Buggy said.
Who cares how big the fish are. The Smile on your boy's face is big and that is what counts I think.
My brother-in-law was in town with his two kids and he wanted to try his luck from the bank. I wasn't too optimistic, since it sounds like the fish head deeper as it warms up. We didn't catch anything, nor did we get any hits. But it was sure fun playing pirates with the nephews on the shore!
I agree with iwantabuggy. The trout from Henrys are delicious table fare.Taste like salmon in my opinion. If you have trouble with trout being too fishy, a little known trick is to clean the fish and put in a roasting pan with a half cup of baking soda with water enough to cover the fish an inch or so. Make sure to dissolve the baking soda in the water before adding the fish. Put in the fridge for a couple of days, wash the fish thoroughly before cooking. Does the trick, try it.

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