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Lots of cats on snake help with carp
Catching lots of cats on the snake. Like to just catch them and let them go but i would like to kill some carp they are fun to catch. Any tips to hook some monsters? bait line bobbers wieghts? Thank you
I just shoot them with a bow and throw them in a 50 gallon plastic drum and give the too willing farmers for fertilizer..... as far as baits, I think a good one you mix cornflakes with some dough or something and put on a hook, corn and they sell carp balls or something too hold them on, in-fisherman did a show on it awhile back, google it would be the best bet....
ya i knew that would be the first response would be use a bow. That is fun but i want to practice on like a 8lbs test and really have a good fight. ill try and make something just woundering if idaho carp or snake river carp would eat differant things then other carp.
PEANUT BUTTER PEANUT BUTTER PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!!! You mix peanut butter with just about anything and you will have a carp slaying ol time.... Good luck and hold on!!!
Crush up some Wheaties into small pieces and mix in enough peanut butter to make it stick together, Form it into a ball around the hook and go fishing.

I've heard soaking dry dog food in strawberry Kool Aid overnight works well too. You want cheap dog food with lots of corn in it.
I've always done well with corn marinated in soy and Worcester sauce. I'd use a treble hook and an unpegged texas rig.
In the correct time of year, I use a big treble hook with no bait and snag them. The best set up is where the sinker is molded onto the hook and is made specifically for this practice. I have found this method to work both in cases where you are sight snagging and also random snagging. The line must be lo-vis near the hook or they will see the line and your statistics go way down. Unfortunately snagging is much less productive with the common carp species due to the armor plating of scales. It is also unfortunate that this subspecies seems to be overtaking the mirror subspecies in the waters that I fish (southern Idaho). I have found that combining the rod and the bow provides for a pretty good time on carp in the months March through June. When conditions make one version not good (e.g. a windy day makes the rod outperform the bow), the other comes into play. That said, I am writing this on July 1 and have not answered your basic question about bait. I am going to paste something that I found on the internet from an unknown source. I am not going to cut out the part about chumming although I believe that it is illegal in Idaho. I believe the law applies (illegal) even for a nongame species like carp. Maybe somebody can chime in on this because if it is legal, it would be a huge advantage.

The exerpt starts in the next paragraph below this one. I like this because of using the roe ball tie cloth will enable it to stay on the hook better for a monster cast of over 50 yards. Perhaps a person could use one of the simpler recipes but incorporate the roe cloth to have the best of both worlds. I have not tried any of the baits though....

equal parts of
All Bran Cereal
dried whole milk
ground dead minnows
creamed corn
Corn meal
crushed rabbit food (the little green pellets)
Sometimes I add a tablespoon of strawberry jam

Mix well and add enough blackstrap molasses to bind the mixture and roll onto nickle sized balls.

Tie the balls with egg sack mesh and freeze til used.

Keep some loose (untied) in a plastic bag and chum the area with the crumbled mixture.
This mix has never failed

ok ok so last night i went out to try and hook some carp and cats. First day this year i have gone out and not hooked a cat tried new spot and water was very very swift. Any ways wanted to try for anything out there threw on cat bait on one pole and put on a peanut butter sandwich on the other about a tennis ball size piece my friends where laughing at me when i tipped it with a blue berry. Ok so it soaks for about 5 min then whaammmmm Something takes my pole hard super hard. Had it in a solid spot so looked like it set the hook good. I pick the pole up set the hook and it freakin takes off into the curent. I could not even get close to controlling the fish with 20# test and a nine foot rod. Thought for sure it was going to break my line after a short time of letting him just take drag i decide to set the hook again just incase. Real down set the hook and he came off. It was a huge fish probably a carp with the baid i was using only fish i had on but cant wait to get back out there.
ROFLMAO!!!! LIKE i say peanut butter and HOLD ON!!!! Those carp LOVE peanut butter man!!! Would of love to seen pix of that big beast... Good luck and when you get a big un take pix...
If you fly fish and see them tailing in the shallow small bead head nymphs such as a carp carrot, san juan worm or even small rust colored crayfish patterns have always worked well for me.

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