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Just want to make a brief commentary (?? rant ??) about utilizing an online forum.
In a day and age when the computer CAN do all the hard work for you, I am astonished at just how poorly written so many posts are.
I vacillate back and forth in my mind debating whether this prolific problem is a result of laziness or outright ignorance. I'm not sure that one assessment is kinder than the other.
When a post must be reread three times (to mentally fill in the punctuation that doesn't exist) in order to comprehend the poster's meaning, there's a problem.
While I am aware that no one is being graded on this forum, I would also politely suggest that you paint a less-than-flattering portrait of yourself as somewhat of a... dope ... when you're too lazy to even attempt to properly utilize a language you've almost all been speaking since you were one.
...Soooo, just a request here: could we, for the benefit of the community here, at least ATTEMPT to use full sentences, spellcheck, and throw in the occasional comma or period now and again?
I appreciate what you all bring to the forum: knowledge, enthusiasm, reports... but it is wearisome to need a Urim & Thummim or Rosetta Stone to comprehend what you're trying to convey.
Thanks! Rant Over.
[#4040FF](NOTE: moderators, if this needs adjusting, just let me know. I'd really like to see this considered and/or discussed.)[/#4040FF]
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right there with ya man. sometimes it's all i can do to refrain from becoming a grammar nazi instead of just reading some fishing info. some of the suff is completey unreadable or just plain impossible to comprehend. it IS frustrating and i must admit, i DO judge people unfairly based on their english skills when, in fact, i may really enjoy their company outside of here where conversations are vebal and i cdon't care if they can or can't spell or use punctuation. in the long run, i come here to learn a bit about fishing and read about places i most likely won't be able to go to and enjoy other folks outings........and yes, i know i didn't use any capital letters. that is sheer laziness on my part......
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The BEER has nothing to do wif it. [mad]
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You are right, but then what would we have to laugh at while wasting time at work, reading the posts? Going to Skoalfield to catch slimmers and then a trip to Powl to catch strippers with the family never gets old, does it?
Additionally, I'm convinced that some of the posters simply do not have the candlepower to know better when they type the stuff they do. If you want Mensa level conversation, look elsewhere. [cool]
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I recall a TubeDude post, not so long ago, of the same nature. It was quite comical if I remember right.
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"let he how is without sin cast the first stone" i didn't know we were all hear to by judged for are sins against english.geese i'm going to hell
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I think I know the exact post you are referencing!!
I blame it all on spell check and texting.
If you think these online forums are bad, you need to review some of the job applications I've seen come in over the last decade.
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This is a good way to keep people from posting. Not all people on this forum have the same background. Some speak English as a second language. Some grew up in places that don't emphasize punctuation as much as hard work. Give a little credit for someone trying to share information.
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1 fav, #8
Using the check here is easy. Some words it will not catch however, specially if they are a word, but, maybe not the word you want as in this example.
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[quote scartinez]This is a good way to keep people from posting. Not all people on this forum have the same background. Some speak English as a second language. [/quote]
It is quite easy to distinguish between those using a second language and those who are lazy. I don't know that any of us have any issue with those who are TRYING. I take issue with those who aren't.
[quote scartinez]Give a little credit for someone trying to share information.[/quote]
Gladly. Don't take offense when none is intended. This is a shout out to every born-and-raised English speaker who somehow failed to glean the basics of grammar after 10-15 years of education. (Or, at least, has failed to get that information to translocate from his/her melon down to their fingertips.
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Thanks for bringing that up. Having to live with Stage 4 Cancer every day has made me forget what a joy it was to only have trivial little annoyances like, forum punctuation being the worst thing life can throw at you.
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[quote scartinez]This is a good way to keep people from posting..[/quote]
i agree, dose it relay have that big of impact on your day if some one spelled a word wrong or forgot to use a comma.
What a dumb ass topic, to bring up on a fishing forum. maybe you should join a English forum. there you can sip on your iced coffee and look down your nose at the rest of us.
good thing the grammar nazi is here to keep the rest of us in our place
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Yes, FG, that one was a classic. [  ]
Laughed just as hard today as the first time, back in November.
One other thing. BFT isn't the only place that has this problem. Did anyone check out the "fishing report" blurb for Lake Powell on the channel 5 outdoors show last weekend?
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I agree with the grammar mistakes too. My all-time "favorite" (NOT!) mistake is usually found on the For Sale Board.
Let me demonstrate:
"I have a fishing rod I would like to SELL" (you do NOT "have a fishing rod I would like to SALE).
"For Sell" is does NOT mean "For Sale".
This is not complicated people, and you do not need a college education to know the difference!
Definition of SELL: To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent. 2. To offer for sale, as for one's business or livelihood.
Definition of SALE: The exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent; the act of selling. 2. An instance of selling. 3. An opportunity for selling or being sold .
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Part of it is laziness. Many of us don't proofread or bother with spell check for a post to a fishing forum. Some people have dyslexia and others are just poor spellers. What's easy for some people isn't easy for others. Our brains aren't all wired the same. Some of us actually find this type of post more annoying than what you're complaining about.
I'd suggest if it really bothers anybody it might be easier for you to see a shrink and get that obsessive compulsive disorder treated [  ].
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Well some of us spent more time fishing than we did in school, learning how to spell.
I like the spell check offered here and I do use it.
In most cases, it doesn't bother me to read posts that are not well written but it would be nice for posters to use the spell check and to proof read before replying.
And so it goes.
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Looks like someone has been playing too much "words with friends" on their iphone. Everyone knows you don't need to read every word in a sentence, paragraph or page to get the jest of what is being said. No one on here is writing law, I hope, so lighten up, I enjoy when someone posts about catching a bunch of strippers, it reminds me of good times.
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I agree it would be nice. However to go on a rant and basically put people down on a public forum is another thing. I personally rather have a brain that has trouble spelling and such than one that "vacillate back and forth in my mind debating whether this prolific problem is a result of laziness or outright ignorance. I'm not sure that one assessment is kinder than the other." Really??? And you're complaining about someone else's cortical functions? Let he who is without sin ( or perfect), cast the first stone.
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[cool][#0000ff]I already got in my rant on this subject a month or so back. Couldn't believe how many PMs I got telling me I should be ashamed of myself. Yeah, I understand about folks with learning problems or second language situations. I apologize for offending anybody in those categories.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]What I was poking fun at were all of the careless misspellings of common Utah lakes and towns...and species. But I do find it atrocious that our schools are graduating students these days that cannot use basic grammar or punctuation...or who do not know how to spell even the most basic words.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]One of the PM flames I received berrated me for commenting about the fractured English of a member who is still a teenager. All I can say is that when I was in high school we were not promoted to the next grade unless we were able to communicate better than that. Today the policy is no student is left matter how poorly equipped they are to get a good job or function in polite society.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Blame it on the students for being more interested in things besides education. And blame it on the school system for allowing that to pass.[/#0000ff]