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I will be living fairly close to Utah Lake and was excited to see this article on the official Utah Lake website:
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That's good but honestly, I don't see why everyone cares about removing carp so much. The lake being clear vs. unclear doesn't change the actual cleanness of the lake. Plus carp are one of the funnest fish to catch when they are large! I live near some cannals and in the winter time they become empty and there's always lots of carp, mud cats, babies, etc that end up dieng. I saved a lot of them one year and actually ended up using them as bait in the jordan river.
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The one thing that the article doesn't mention is that this all came about because of the June Sucker. Now that the sucker is on the endangered list there has been a ton of money dumped into this lake to try and help improve habitat and to hopefully help sucker numbers also.
So lets all pitch in and kill every carp that we get our hands on andhelp the fishery out some.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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The carp are ruining that lake. They eat all the vegetation off the bottom. And they account for such a large amount of the biomass in the lake it makes it hard for other fish to compete with them. Removing a large amount of them will do wonders for that lake.
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[quote FishingLunatic]That's good but honestly, I don't see why everyone cares about removing carp so much. The lake being clear vs. unclear doesn't change the actual cleanness of the lake. Plus carp are one of the funnest fish to catch when they are large! I live near some cannals and in the winter time they become empty and there's always lots of carp, mud cats, babies, etc that end up dieng. I saved a lot of them one year and actually ended up dumping them in the jordan river.[/quote]
Quote:Live fish and crayfish
Utah Code ยง 23-13-14 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-17
You may not release fish or crayfish into the wild except as provided in the Wildlife Code, rule, proclamation or order of the Wildlife Board. For example, you can release fish caught at Scofield Reservoir back into Scofield, but you cannot take live fish from Scofield and place those fish in an- other water. Any person who moves live fish from one body of water to another is guilty of a class A misdemeanor and may be fined up to $2,500.
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Are you saying he has said he is one of those bucket people???
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Unless that was some internet sarcasm I'd edit your post. Cause you just admited to transfering a known intrusive damaging species from one body to another... DWR guys come on here often and I'm sure they would be interested in reading that.
If it was sarcasm I'd still edit it....
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It looks like your are doing something illegal. You cant move a fish from one body of water to another no matter what. Just saying.
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I'm well aware of the law. It's not right for the fish to have to go out like that because of man made structures.. In that case I used the fish as bait.....
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Not only is it illegal to put the fish into another body of water; it's also illegal to use fish from one body of water as bait in another body of water.
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[quote carToon]Not only is it illegal to put the fish into another body of water; it's also illegal to use fish from one body of water as bait in another body of water.[/quote]
[cool][#0000ff]Not true. Carp meat and several species of minnows can be used almost anywhere bait is legal...regardless of where they were caught. Perch meat is legal in many waters, even if the perch were caught elsewhere.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the only time you are prohibited from using bait caught in other waters is if the water from which the bait was taken is on the list of waters under quarantine for quagga mussels or other organisms. Electric Lake is a good example. It is full of redside shiners but you can no longer harvest them to use for bait elsewhere.[/#0000ff]
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That's like finding ants in your house and being thoughtful enough to gather as many as you can and bringing them over to your neighbor's house to give them a chance. 
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Lol, nice thought!
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my gosh you guys act like he is the one who introduced the invasive carp species to the jordan river. yah a book says thats not allowed but come on its a fish that already lives there. cut him slack. I talked to one dnr officer at riverton pond, a camp manager at willow park in lehi, a fish game and wildlife ranger also at wilow park, and about 7 satatoga springs policeman at a party, and none have heard of this forum. The wildlife officer said the only forum hes been to is the fish game and wildlife. He said he would read fishing repots from tye dye twins there. I told himm they post fishing reports on this site too. So unless you personally know of dnr officers who go on this site and are present when they visit this site, I would say thats kind of a scare tactic and spread of disinformation. I havmt seen one post on here from someone claiming they are a dnr officer.
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[quote joethafoe] The wildlife officer said the only forum hes been to is the fish game and wildlife. He said he would read fishing repots from tye dye twins there. I told himm they post fishing reports on this site too. So unless you personally know of dnr officers who go on this site and are present when they visit this site, I would say thats kind of a scare tactic and spread of disinformation.[/quote]
I do have a few followers on this site and many others. The other day my car died at Fish Tech and some firefighters stopped and offered to jump our car. Then they asked, "did you guys go fishing today"? We said yes and they said, "we look forward to your post tonight tyedye's". Cool guys.
At Rockport we had a DWR officer come up to us and say, "hey Tye Dye's, I have always wanted to meet you guys". He shook our hands and we had a chat about fishing.
They do cruise the forums, but mostly stay out of the bickering.
The best example I have as proof is when someone started a thread on here that said the DWR page claimed there are Lake Trout in Utah Lake....within minutes it was taken off the DWR page!
The company I work for says that they do not want you to mention your place of employment on the web, so that the image of the company is not tarnished, ruined, or looked down apon. I'd imagine the same goes for the workers of Utah's Fish and Game.
I guess the point that everyone is trying to make is that the transport of fish from one body of water to another is illegal and for good reason. You might just unknowingly transport a disease, virus or invasive species to another body of water.
People do make mistakes. Once at Fish Tech Mr Get Gepheart himself was there trying to buy a license. He wanted to take Bluegill from one pond and place them in another body of water. When told that is big time illegal those plans of his were scrapped fast! But that is why he asked first and then did not act...instead of just going for it...Smart guy!
As for the orginal poster....enjoy Ut Lake man, there are 96,000 acres for you to explore in your own backyard!
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I do personally know a couple DNR guys that frequent the forums that are lurkers but not posters. They like to have an idea of the waters and complaints in a non formal matter. A couple months ago I was with one and he was telling me about a new guy that posted how well a certain water was fishing at a specific time of day. Unfortunetly that was a closed area and he was ticketed for poaching when my buddy checked it out.
I'm not acting like he the one who introduced carp. Those people did it for food. His reason is far more idiotic. I agree it's a shame that they are considered trash fish and therefor they can be wasted and slaughted. But I have a feeling them scientist fellers know what they are doing.
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I can assure you there are DNR officers that visit and post on this site. Go back and look at the post asking for volunteers for the community ponds. She does indeed sign as a DNR officer but there are several others that just have screen names. I dont think it was meant as a scare tactic but as a heads up.
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Well it's just a waste to have literally billions of fish die because of a human made stucture. Lol I like your ant comparison but the difference is those ants could try to get away or out of danger. These fish literally can't do a thing it when there's literally no water to swim in. The water is literally full one day and the next its probably about 2-3 feet deep where u start noticing big ones swim if u look closely. Then over the next 2 weeks it slowly gets lower and lower to the point where the big ones mouths will be underwater but half of their body won't. I've gotten ones in literally no water and just mud that I thought were dead but weren't. It's pretty  when the fish have learned to burrow in the mud.
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Going back to the original point of this thread, I think that this plan is gonna MAJOR back fire. Why? People have this need to control, as well as obsession of getting a hook back if its too deep instead of just cutting the line and buying like 50 for $5 or so sports mans warehouse. Unless they start planting big channel cats, bass, etc in there, those big ones are gonna be gone before u know it because now there won't be many carp that can get to the bait first.
Sometimes a mess that's made is to big to clean up. *ESJ
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[quote FishingLunatic]Going back to the original point of this thread, I think that this plan is gonna MAJOR back fire. Why? People have this need to control, as well as obsession of getting a hook back if its too deep instead of just cutting the line and buying like 50 for $5 or so sports mans warehouse. Unless they start planting big channel cats, bass, etc in there, those big ones are gonna be gone before u know it because now there won't be many carp that can get to the bait first.
Sometimes a mess that's made is to big to clean up. *ESJ[/quote]
Wow. Just... wow.