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Snubbers for kokanee??
Do you use snubbers between the dodger/flasher and your lure when trolling for kokanee at Flaming Gorge/Strawberry/Porcupine?
No put the snubber in front of the dodger you loose to much action the other way. And i like to put the squid 3x the length of the dodger i am using. Good luck have fun
Scott, I don't know very many people that use them anymore.
If you're using lead line I say use them. If not I say don't, it just allows the fish to get off. I lost way more fish I had hooked with snubbers, I don't use them now and am having far better luck.
I use to use them years ago but found that having a good limber rod will work as a shock absorber and IMO get more fish in the boat. You might already know this Scott but there are several companies that sell rods just for that purpose.
We caught 6 at Soldier Creek last friday night in less than two hours. It was fantastic fishing. I do not not use snubbers but I did lose a 7th fish at 40' that while no guarantee it was a koke it did shake like the rest of them.
I agree with the light rod theory, I use a 6' ultralight spooled with 6lb. monofiliment. My belief is that the mono stretches enough to act as a snubber.

Good luck, Shane
When I first started chasing the salmon, I would use a snubber. No fish,notta. I then took off the snubber and started catching the salmon. My technique did not change, just the snubber was not there. So I would say "NO" don't waste your money. I have not lost many . But I am no salmon expert. Just my .02.
With the soft mouths that kokanee have there is no way you will get all of them in the boat, no matter what you use but a fast action tip really helps. If they are hooked well you won't lose them but no matter what fish you target, it is hard to get all fish in the boat every time.

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