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Big Fish in Lamont Reservoir?
Howdy, all! Just curious as to what size the fish are in Lamont. The bass almost all seem to be 9-12". Just curious if there are bigger ones in there?
I've heard of an 8lber coming out of there once, and I saw a monster that was likely that size swim by me once when I was in my tube, but I pretty much expect to catch non stop fish of the size you described when I go there. There are a few tiger musky still in there, and some pretty nice gills, crappie and perch too. I really should work on learning that place better, but I find myself gravitating to the usual lakes.
I pulled this one out at dusk last night:

[inline LamontAgain1.jpg]
That's way nice for that lake. What did she measure? I love fishing at dusk, but I usually get stuck fishing midday because I work evenings. Not for long though Smile
17.75". No weight, though, because my scale sucks.
That's way nice. Perhaps I'll have to give Lamont a try soon.
Yep there are a couple big ones in there.. Any one that has a gas pissed engine better use it while they can the land owners have had it passed no gas engines not sure on when it will take affect. Is what caused it a boater pulling a wakeboard darn near ran over one of the land owners daughter 5 feet from shore.
The gal at the state line doing the boat inspections today said her husband pulled a 21" 7.5# LMB out near the inlet...

As for the no-gas-motor thing, that'd suck. I just discovered the lake! And I have no trolling motor...
Dang, I really do need to give that place another try. For me the restriction would be great as I only have a float tube. They already ruined Winder and Foster, so I wouldn't mind another place away from the awful power crowd.
As clarification, the lady's husband's catch wasn't terribly recent, because she said she'd been with him when he caught it, and elsewhere in our brief conversation she said she hadn't been fishing in over a month...
Still, just knowing there are critters like that in there makes me want to try it again.
The no gas is just what I was told by one of the land owners. Could just be wishfull thinking . I like lamont it is one of my fave spots in the area. I dont mind gas engines just dont like the lack of common sence in some of the people pulling tubers and skiers around. Lamont just isnt big enough for that kind of recreating. Last I went there I did very good on LMB nothing very big though my biggest one was maybe 14" . I see great things for lamont in the near future maybe a twin lakes from the early 90's....
Those are the average that I have caught. I have caught a few in the 14" range.

greg if you havnt fished it you should... its warm, clear, (warmer than twin,(in the summer)(not as clear as twin), less ppl than twin) but you have to get away from the normal bank fisherman. I do agree that this lake should be gassless motor, its way to small to be pulling tubes, water skis, or wake boards. It has to many blind corners, and deep coves that you can not see ppl fishing on there boats, or ppl playing in the water, but i stand on the fishermans standpoint so i think every lake should be for the fish or for the fisherman!
I've fished it a handful of times, just not this year. I was more impressed with the panfish than the bass, but I guess I should put the time in to figure it out like I have with Condie and Weston.
It defiantly has some good pan fish in it. But like every where else with the same fish has a ton of small ones also.. I mainly fish it in hopes of catching a tiger.. I know the chances are slim and are only getting slimer but there is still that chance and I cant wait tell I finally find one..
I need to chase some tigers sometime this year. I caught some northerns out in Minnesota a few weeks ago, and I remembered why I like catching them. I think I'll wait until things cool off and the ski boats can't launch at Newton anymore and go try for some there.

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