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Fly fisherman
Taking some beginners float tubing in a couple weeks,which would be the better place to go?
what are the best flys for tiger trout?
what are the best flys at scofield?
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I can't help you on fly selection but I can tell you that when I was there a week ago there was a guy there that was fly fishing. He was there for a few hours and before he left I ask him how he was doing, he said he had not caught anything. Early in the morning and toward the evening the fish were close to the surface but during the day they were going deep. The deepest part of the lake is only 27ft but most of the lake is 20ft or less, we were marking fish during the day at 7ft all the way to the bottom. WH2
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I'm not sure, I haven't been to either, but I'll leave my .02 for what it's worth. I would troll or strip leeches and buggers, in the regular dark colors. I would also tie on a dropper, something like a PT, HE, scud, or even try chrominid/midge pattern. I've found sometimes if you let that line sink all the way down and then retrieve it up you can have some good success. If any of that won't work try a muddler, zonker, or clouser.
Bundle up, nothing worse than taking some new fishers out and having their toes freeze so bad they can't feel them.
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was you at Huntington?
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Yes, it was Huntington.
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Hunington! A friends who works at Sportsman's fished there everyday last week and was killing em!