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as soon as the second drawings are out i will be setting up the contest.
any suggestions for rule changes or anything else feel free to post up.
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It seems like last year it was team thing? I'm not terribly fond of a team contest and I have a couple of ideas to throw out there. I'm not likely to participate in a team contest, but I'd be a lot more inclinded to participate in something more like suggested, as follows.
First suggestion- make it an individual contest instead of a team contest. Bucks only. Most points counts. In case of a tie, first one to post breaks the tie. This one seems pretty simple.
Second suggestion- make the contest based on size (height and width), require exact and specific poses (front and side, deer head close to the body, rack can't take up more than 1/3 of the photo's width or 1/2 the height, to eliminate camera angle/location effects) so as to make the judging easier. After all the entries are in, place it up to the whole group to vote to remove the "measurement" problems. Photo must be taken in the field, with the deer, the hunter, and a "special object" (plastic easter egg?) or a "special sign" (like hat on sideways or inside-out, knife in your teeth, cartride/arrow in your mouth, or (you fill in the blank)) so we know it would be from this year.
Third suggestion- just make it a photo contest. Best photo of harvested animal, judged by BFTers based on voting.
I'm open to other ideas as well, these are just some things that come immediately to mind. If no one likes these ideas and they want to do that same as last year, that's fine too.
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[quote hooknhunter]It seems like last year it was team thing? I'm not terribly fond of a team contest and I have a couple of ideas to throw out there. I'm not likely to participate in a team contest, but I'd be a lot more inclinded to participate in something more like suggested, as follows.
First suggestion- make it an individual contest instead of a team contest. Bucks only. Most points counts. In case of a tie, first one to post breaks the tie. This one seems pretty simple.
Second suggestion- make the contest based on size (height and width), require exact and specific poses (front and side, deer head close to the body, rack can't take up more than 1/3 of the photo's width or 1/2 the height, to eliminate camera angle/location effects) so as to make the judging easier. After all the entries are in, place it up to the whole group to vote to remove the "measurement" problems. Photo must be taken in the field, with the deer, the hunter, and a "special object" (plastic easter egg?) or a "special sign" (like hat on sideways or inside-out, knife in your teeth, cartride/arrow in your mouth, or (you fill in the blank)) so we know it would be from this year.
Third suggestion- just make it a photo contest. Best photo of harvested animal, judged by BFTers based on voting.
I'm open to other ideas as well, these are just some things that come immediately to mind. If no one likes these ideas and they want to do that same as last year, that's fine too.[/quote]
I like the no teams concept! Also extra points for unguided hunts...A means of identification such as screen name and date on a sheet of paper is another idea...
Is there a fee to join the contest?
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Im not for a group vote (popularity contest) lets let the size of the buck do the talking. I like the points, its easier then trying to squeeze the whole rack and be able to see the tape. The bucks only has my vote as well as individual instead of team. Hope this comes out readable im on my phone.
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I liked last years setup. It was a great way to include everyone. Those that hunt for horns and those that hunt for meat.
I agree with dma_ayotte and think it may turn into a popularity contest. not a fan of that... i am not very popular. [  ]
However i wont wine about it and be inclined to participate no matter what. If we do a bucks only then i think white tail and mule deer should be placed in a different categories.
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here is my opinion about it. some guys just don't have a chance to hunt horns they go out and are completely satisfied taking skin heads and the team setup from last year gives those guys a chance to participate I understand where you are coming from dma but the way i see it is that a team set up gives anybody a chance to win it, it forms comradery among members, and keeps it interesting until the very end of the season. potentially a team that kills four does could beat a team with a couple big bucks. now if we wanted to run a contest on the side for big bucks i would be all for that. the way i think it should be set up is have the team contest be free and for those who want to enter the big buck contest on the side donate 5 dollars to a charity and part of those proceeds would go towards a prize for the winner of the big buck contest. as of right now Im going to try and sweet talk the owners of BFT in to donating the prize for the team contest again this year. if thats what we all decide on.
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How big are the teams? I'm open for teaming up with someone. If you are interested in teaming up with me, PM me your application.[  ][  ].
Just so you know, if I'm in, I'll be in to win. I have a controlled hunt for the last week of October in unit 36A, I'm looking for a good 4 point (24-25 inch spread or better) at the smallest and hopefully something better than that. Last year a guy took a 200+ buck and I've heard that numerous 180 class bucks were spotted but not harvested. I also drew for extra deer (antlerless) in unit 16X. You know I'll be good for at least 5 points and maybe up to 20 or more if I find what I'm looking for. My brother drew for the same 2 hunts. Maybe I should get him to sign up and be on my team.[angelic]
I'm also good for the $5 on a BB contest. Or even $10 or $15 since it will be for charity anyway. I much prefer a contest for charity that for prizes....... although some BFT stuff would be cool as long as it's donated too.
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Too much "smack" talk?
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i like the measurement idea, i saw a 40 point "2 point shot out of weston last year" I would hate to see a buck like that win. I wouldnt mind letting it be a bfter vote if the measurement idea would be to dificult, this would bring in photagraphy and scenery. I also like the idea of a in the field picture, with an easter egg or something to distinguish the pic, i also think blood should be shown. (Anyone can take a head off the wall and drag it in the hills)
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I'm in, however it works out. liked last year's setup fine,but I'm open to anything. I rarely shoot anything big, and hunt 95% archery, so sorry if you end up my partner. But i almost always bring a critter out of the woods.
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The teams are drawn completely at random. you do not get to choose your go easy.
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[quote chrome_junky]The teams are drawn completely at random. you do not get to choose your go easy.[/quote]
That thought never crossed my mind, but it makes a lot more sense. You could potentially win just by the team. In that case, count me in, no matter what the rules. I'll do my part.
If this is going to happen, we need to get it nailed down soon. Archery opens in what, 20 days or so?
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Count me in on this. Let me know what I need to do to get in. I have a really good controlled hunt big buck tag for the Island Park area. My tag is the 60-2 Either-sex Mule and White-tailed Deer hunt for 10/5/2012 - 11/17/2012. The hunt includes all of units 60, 61, and 62A. I'm really excited to get out and hit the hills.
I was also thinking maybe we should do something like this for elk? Any thoughts?
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I have been doing the contest on this site for 2 years or so, I think we should do it like there contest's, but have 2 person teams drawn randomly....
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As one of the 2011 champions ([angelic]hahahahaha) ill have to say im ALL INNNNNNNNNNNNNN........
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I would like to join in. Curt g.
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I am in as well. thanks for putting this on. It was a ton of fun last year.
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Hey guys do me a favor and put your names in on the sign up thread so that when i put things together i dont have to hop back and forth between two threads trying to figure out who is paying.