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My 1st 100 fish day!
So I finally got my 100 fish day!!!!! In fact I got 109 to be exact!

Utah Lake - Arrived at the Provo Boat Harbor at 11:30am. Sure enough there was one boat out there and 2 anglers on the beach. The boat was getting doubles everytime I looked over there while I was setting up my toon. My twin was too eager and tossed flies at the white bass from shore. I left my fairywand at home so I just used the spin rod and spinners all day. After a 30min set up I was launched and attacking the white bass. Sure enough at fish #38 my oar lock busted and I tried my best to make due but it was too rough on the arms.

By that time the shore anglers were all around so I desperately looked in the car for my spare oar lock. Whew it was there! My twin got off the tube, hit the shore, left the shore for the river, returned to the beach, and came back just in time to tube with me and witness the 100th fish.

Meanwhile I got back out and got cozy with the lone boat out there. IT WAS ON!!! I got up to 109 fish landed till the action dissappeared at 5pm. I stayed till 5:30pm changing rigs hoping that the whites were still there.....nope! No more action for anybody so we figured we'd call it a night. One guy on the shore did manage a walleye today. I kept probably 30 or so of the white bass for chowder. My twin got 39 white bass (29 on flies, the rest on a spinner) and I got 109. 148 FISH!!!!

I was using a gold blade, lime green body, yellow tail fur roostertail in size 1/8th for 40 fish. The rest of them came in on a vibrex roostertail spinner that had a silver blade, orange and black stipped body, and black fur. We fished at the inlet of the provo river at the corner of the south dike.

The 1st white bass of the day
[Image: 805775.JPG]

Me on my toon collecting the white bass
[Image: 805776.JPG]

My 100th fish!!!!!
[Image: 805777.JPG]

The last white bass of the day
[Image: 805778.JPG]
Yeah! That's sounds like an awesome day... I still am yet to get out to Utah lake for some nice bass. Also I do t have a boat or a tube, is the shore fishing worth it?
If you are willing to get wet alot of the time you can wade out into the reeds and work the open areas and pick up quite a few that way. If you are willing to wade in the lovely water.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
Nice report... Glad you didn't take me up on the pv invite. You guys choose wisely.

Seems like you always have trouble with your pontoon. You should take it back where you bought it and chuck it through their window!!!!
[quote TylerKunz]Yeah! That's sounds like an awesome day... I still am yet to get out to Utah lake for some nice bass. Also I do t have a boat or a tube, is the shore fishing worth it?[/quote]

It can be decent from shore but the whites were just our of the shore anglers reach. Still others from shore did well epsecially in the morning hours!
[quote JLG78]Nice report... Glad you didn't take me up on the pv invite. You guys choose wisely.

Seems like you always have trouble with your pontoon. You should take it back where you bought it and chuck it through their window!!!![/quote]
Now that Evil Tye Dye has a tube I use the zombie parts from the old toon. Creek Company $200 toon suck! Wouldn't wish that toon on my worst enemy!!!!
Amazing how good the action was......between us and the Asians....we must have landed 1,000 fish! Funny how just one Asian and a cell phone, turns into the whole orient coming down to the lake with buckets in hand. How do I get on that phone call list?

As we were driving down there in the rain you said sarcasticly, "you sure know how to pick em" the end of the day I thought to myself, "he was right, I sure do know how to pick em".
[quote TyeDyeTwins]Now that Evil Tye Dye has a tube I use the zombie parts from the old toon. Creek Company $200 toon suck! Wouldn't wish that toon on my worst enemy!!!![/quote]

Congratulations on your 1st 100 fish day!

I have a high quality pontoon boat, but with oars and wind and fishing among flooded trees in Mantua Reservoir, I spent more time inefficiently maneuvering than fishing for the plentiful bass that were there. With all the disturbance I made fighting trees to get an oar stroke, the fish spook and are gone from that spot, so I only caught one big large mouth bass on that day.

I caught it on the swim bait lure in the picture. Interestingly, I was fishing with a pound of frozen shrimp and didn't catch anything on the shrimp, but it couldn't have hurt that I would rub a shrimp onto the lure. At the end of the day, after rowing against a strong wind that picked up, I used that pound of shrimp in my pressure cooker to make dinner.

I decided to learn from that and find and try different ways to spend more time fishing and less time rowing and fighting trees and wind while rowing.

My fly fishing friend and his friends used the combination battery box / trolling motor mount, but I went with oars for physical fitness being athletic. Now I'm considering the trolling motor not to make it easy, but to give me more focus on fishing. I also tried fins. I have a trolling motor that I've never used, but some of the newer ones have GPS and will hold a spot or a steady course for me to fish and not be correcting for wind with oars. I also don't know if I want to go with power and then get into registration hassle and expense.

I'm also thinking of getting a kayak for fishing in the trees as it will be able to go where it is a tight fit among the trees. I have a 12 VDC water pump and I'm thinking of setting it up with tiny thrusts in different directions for automated position control, so it will work well in shallows.

I've been thinking these sort of things for a while now and when I chose to fish from shore at East Canyon Reservoir even with my pontoon boat ready to go at my vehicle, I was full-time productive with fishing and caught two big small mouth bass.

That and the reservoirs with their roads around them with most having large portions that are restricted to motorized vehicles got me thinking of shore fishing with a dedicated fishing bicycle with rod holders and plenty of fishing gear to cover a lot of shore fishing locations fast.

I've been doing that by hiking the reservoir shores, but being a bicycle racer, a bicycle would be a good choice for me and I wouldn't need a backpack on my back because the bicycle would serve as a rolling tackle box.

Tye Dye Twin did say the whites were just out of reach from shore. Now that I'm mostly thinking shore fishing and enhanced coverage of the shore with a fishing bicycle, that concerns me regarding casting distance.

I've been working on improving casting distance by having many rods for my different lure weights and practicing a lot at Sandy pond. I've also recently got surf casting equipment and tried again just yesterday to cast it far, but I'm still doing something wrong because I can cast further with another rod with a one ounce lure.

I bought some large swim baits that I want to use to get the big fish. Though surf casting is usually for cast and wait with bait, I'm athletic and want to use the equipment for cast and retrieve with lures.

Combined with lots of shore covered with moving fast from spot to spot by bicycle, the fanning out with casts in different directions will cover a lot of water fast and that area covered goes up fast once I'm able to greatly increase my casting distance.

In general, I'm learning new ways, experimenting and deciding what's next to try in fishing styles and even getting creative.

I might get back into fishing with a tiny boat or do the bicycle fishing thing or both. Lately, it's been mostly shore fishing on foot with a backpack.

My other posts in other locations have some aspects of my choices more developed, but I touch on the many directions I'm considering for my fishing in this post.

Comments, ideas and discussion invited.

Ronald Smile
did you talk to the asia guy and if he was like 35 yrs or if he was fishing wish his brother i meet them as welll lol some asian guy when i went fishing up there he wanted me to stay and catch more fish XD
First, you should get a kayak... sooo much easier to manuver...ive got 2, and would be happy to briong both along so you can give it a try. second, i am jealous. ive never hooked into a white bass, nor had 100 fish day of anything other than panfish in kaysville pond on my fly pole, when i was a kid. i need to get out with you guys soon.

anyone going out tomorrow (tuesday) or wednesday? i love work week trips.
Man, you are a thinker, and being athletic that you are I have an idea for you. Rig up a paddle wheel on your bicycle mount it on your pontoon and I bet you could really cover some water. Good luck
That sounds like a fish story..But after all you was fishing..[sly]
Sounds like you had fun good luck next time..
What fly pattern were you using for the WB? I've never tried a fly rod for them, and I bet that would be a real hoot.
[quote bassrods]That sounds like a fish story..But after all you was fishing..[sly]
Sounds like you had fun good luck next time..[/quote]
Maybe you ought to try Utah Lake with that pretty boat of yours. You are aware that there is not just white bass there but your Largies are out there too!

If you think about how much time I have fished in the past 2 years it was about time I got 100 fish in a day actually.

So far I have checked off all my goals I made for this year..............

Get a Brook Trout
Get a Artic Grayling
Get a Northern Pike
Get a Walleye
Get 100 fish in a day
Get 2 fish on a tandem rig (got mine on 2 flies, cutt and a grayling)

And now I am motorizing my toon this week.

Man I better make more goals!!!!!!
[quote high_n_dry]What fly pattern were you using for the WB? I've never tried a fly rod for them, and I bet that would be a real hoot.[/quote]
My twin was using a brown/red/black minni bunny. A purple bunny and a Chartuse wolly bugger

I have caught 4 using a [Image: 790258.JPG]

[quote BagABigOne]Man, you are a thinker, and being athletic that you are I have an idea for you. Rig up a paddle wheel on your bicycle mount it on your pontoon and I bet you could really cover some water. Good luck[/quote]

Here's a picture of Hobie's sailing kayak with foot pedal powered propulsion. It's on my low priority buy list, though you do make a good point and I might move it up in priority.

Ronald Smile
What are these fish thinking? The Muppets would be in trouble swimming in Utah Lake.
[quote BagABigOne]Man, you are a thinker, and being athletic that you are I have an idea for you. Rig up a paddle wheel on your bicycle mount it on your pontoon and I bet you could really cover some water. Good luck[/quote]

At first I figured you were pulling a leg, but after checking around - it's not so far fetched. There are tinkerers out there! Sounded like a gizmo off of ZOOM or something...

There are folks who ride the dike at Willard chasing boils. I know out east - the pier fishers have come up with various carts to wheel their gear around. I could use some wheels for hauling gear to a shore-side!
(In case embed doesn't work)

[inline 49bartonbroad.jpg]

[inline PaddleBoatMomandKids.jpg]

A little more high-tech:
[inline PaddleCar.jpg]

Man I better make more goals!!!!!![/quote]
Make one of those goals to get me out fishing for a full day! A good 6 hours of undisturbed fishing and a good dose of verbal abuse from 2 brothers with awful hairdo's would really cheer me up.
That is impressive. 300 minutes and 109 fish. Let alone for 5 and a half hours. I always seem to find a down time for a few minutes, let alone pee breaks.

That fly looks like one of mine, cool! Steelhead hook and all.

Motorizing is great, even worth that wait in line at the DMV and the $37. a year. And TD can help you mount it and make plates. Cool thing is, you can also run sonar off the same battery.
But, if that pontoon is falling apart, I would rethink the battery and motor, just me.

You left Carp off your list[Wink]

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