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Willard bay boils when ?
I have a freind that wants to hit the boils at willard bay when they start but i really dont fish it enough to know when they it usually in sept or october ? I need to save up for that trip since its a long drive for me and i want to be ready for when they start.Also what lures or baits besides shad would work best when they boil any info will be apprreciated.
On the south dike they have been boiling from wednesday to saturday night. They have started every day from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. I have been throwing a 3 inch white curly tail with a heavy jig head and have had amazing success
[quote ocean]Also what lures or baits besides shad would work best when they boil any info will be apprreciated.[/quote]

From the Fishing Guidebook:
Quote:Prohibited fish
Utah Admin. Rule R657-13-13
Possession of the following nongame fish is prohibited. If you catch any of these fish, you must release them immediately:
• Gizzard shad

Willard Bay Reservoir, Box Elder County
• Limit 10 crappie.
• Limit 6 walleye, only 1 walleye may be over 24 inches.
• Limit 3 wiper.
Possession of gizzard shad, dead or alive,
is unlawful.

Shad may work well as bait, but the Gizzard variety ain't legal. I guess you'll just have to use something that looks like them.[crazy]
Thanks that gives me some idea . How are the bugs this time of year ?
they have been terrible, at sun down they start to come out along the rocks and eat you alive

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