08-30-2012, 12:57 AM
I went up to Flaming gorge this past weekend with my girlfriends family and got a chance to go do a little fishing. We had to fish the Utah side since I forgot to buy a reciprocal permit and the stores were still closed when we headed out so we launched out of the sheep creek end and fished some coves over there. The fish definitely weren't as big over there but we still caught our limit of kokes within about an hour or so. They also hadn't really started to change colors on that side yet. But after fishing for kokanee for a couple hours we switched over and decided to try for some Macks since I had never caught one before. It didn't take too long to get my first one! It wasn't huge but It was still a lot of fun, after that we decided to call it a day. I didn't get many pictures and I planned on filming the trip but didn't get as much footage as I had wanted, but I decided to throw another little video together, just for the memories if nothing else. But check it out, we even got some cool footage of an osprey in a giant nest and a big ram!