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Lost Creek?
Im thinking about going to Lost Creek this weekend or next. Ive only been there once and fished from shore..very unsuccessfully. Im just wondering if anyone has been there lately or has any advice. Ill be fishing from a pontoon this time.
Never been but if you go next weekend ill go with you we can even take the boat if you want let me know!
That would be cool!. We've been trying to plan a trip together so that would be prefect. Another BFT'er was thinking about joining me too. Lets plan it for sure.
Two or three bits of advice.

Keep moving to find fish and keep going deeper until you find them. Oh and change flies a lot. My faves there are the CA Leech, The Canadian Brown Leech, and the Canadian Blood Leech.

But you may not even be using flies so disregard the part about flies the rest is still good.
Thanks Ken. Ill look up those patterns and if their not to tricky I might try tying some up. I have a fish finder on my pontoon now so that should help. I haven't used it yet so Ive been excited to test it out.
Sounds good i need to get the fish finder working though for some reason its not gettting power ill have to see if i can get checked out. Other than that we should be good to go, are you sure you can launch a boat thier still just curious when i went to east canyon it was really low.
Not sure how low it is. I think we should just take Tubes/Toons..
I'm definitely in for a day at Lost Creek. I got Sunday WIDE open as well so. Wherever yall wanna go I'm in! Sounds like we need some Leech patterns.
Ill keep you posted for sure. Looks like next weekend..sunday the 23rd. Steve has that off and Thats my Bday weekend so that would probably be the best day for me.

Ken, should come too.
I can come that day. When you all headed up there?
I cant go sunday the 23rd wifes going to vegas that morning so stuck with kids but no worries ill get you guys next time, may head out saturday though
Hey you guys got room for 1 more ? I was going to head up Friday or Saturday depending if the repairs to my Suv were going to be done. It be nice to fish with some BFTers

We use to fish just down on the opposite shore line from were the boat ramp is and catch tons of planter bows.
@Sinergy. That would be great. Like I mentioned above looks like Sunday the 23rd is the day I'll be going( Weather permitting). I hope that works for you. If not and you end up going sooner please give us a report.

@stevef39. Yeah I guess we'll shoot for another time sorry man.

@OldTroller. Not sure of an exact time but Maybe like 8 0r 9am. Not super early since its a bit of a drive.
This sounds like fun. I may jump in on this one if I am around. If that is cool with you all.
Troller know this lake, but may I off a suggestion that has been gold for me. Simple Kelly Green Bugger. Sparkle chenille in Kelly Green with Black marabou tail and Black hackle.
What size hook?
8 or 10. I stay kinda small. If you have time tie a couple 4 and 6's. I don't think the fish are slapping on the major feed bags just yet.
I have found, if the bite is slow, go small.
Sooo.... I hit Lost Creek last Sunday by myself, or should I say, Lost Creek hit me. I got the big ol SKUNK!!! got there around noon, left around 4:30ish. Only fish I had remotely close was hitting my orange indicator. People on the bank using worms and marshmellows were catching em around every 10 minutes. I could buy a fish that day. If I would've k now OldTroller was up there I would've met up with ya and see how the big dogs do it! You guys enjoy this coming weekend. I'm not going to be able to make it as much as I would LOVE to!

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