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Ten Anglers from Texas in Nicaragua, 1000 fish
San Carlos Sportfishing <br>Fishing report # 25,. 30 th of January 2002<br>MORE THAN A 1000 FISH ( 10 ANGLERS , 5 DAYS...) <br>Report From Philippe Tisseaux E mail: <br>Web page: http://www.nicaraguafishing <br>Preceding fishing reports ( 24 of them ) at:<br>After several sucessfull trips in January for tarpon , Snook, and Rainbow bass with guests from USA, ( Report #23 and # 24 )I spend two days relaxing and enjoying the so beautiful Granada and Hotel COLONIAL before the coming of this group...Granada is really a very very nice city , a lot of History, a lot of places to have fun and still a very few tourist...The hotel COLONIAL is a great place to stay...and also Guests do enjoy the great hospitality of Etienne its owner...<br>The Hal group of Anglers ( Ten expert fishermen from Texas ) did arive on the 19th Mid day at Managua Airport...with a lot of luggages..really a lot of Fishing way to have everybody and luggages in the van of Hotel Colonial ..I had to hire an extra taxi... we went to Granada , and spend a part of the day at Massaia at the artisanal market... Dinner in a very nice restaurant in town in Granada, and discussion about Fishing..and equipment...<br>Early morning everybody had a nice breakfast in the patio of COLONIAL , a walk in town.. a transfert to the airport in the van ( this time I did had a big trailer for the luggage..) COSTENA Airline did give us an entire airplane for the 50mn fly over the Lake to reach San Carlos...A very interesting landing according to some of our guests...( 4 of the guests are expert pilots ). Augusto was waiting at the local Airport with an army of taxi ( Some old Russian made Jeeps ) and a part of our crew.. a quich lunch fixed by Dona Juanita and La doctora ...At night we had our traditional River scrimp dinner , each of the scimp is around 1lb..and have a unique flavour... Night has been at Cabinas Leyjos...,<br>Well fishing did start around 1 pm on that day, after Control of equipment.etc....Every body aboard the boat...5 boats, 2 angler per boat.2 guides in each boat.....I do not remember who caught the first Tarpon and how many we got this first half day...but many...<br>In the folowing days Fishing has been the same and very important for us “ all guest did have tarpon..” .How many Sincerely I do not know, probably around 30 release to the boat, 60 on line , 150 /200 hits....and all big around 150lb till 200lb...and released in a clean way...We also did break several lines...During these fishing days around San Carlos some lunch has been in Medio quesso, another very special place in the “ real Jungle “ where my groups are welcome... guests did specifically enjoy this place....<br>We then went to Solentiname Island to relax and change our style of fishing...We went for Mojarra, Machaca, and our now famous Rainbow bass ( 5lb/8lb in that trip..) we did brake many lines...Not so easy as it seem to get a 10lb rainbow bass even on 12lb ecen for an expert Bass fisherman....One of my guide made a “ scupulous but unofficial counting “ in two days of fishing we had all together more than a Thousand fish..on light tackles....than we released with the exception of some Rainbow than we had for lunch or Dinner ..absolutely delicious according to our guests wether cooked in the French way ( I made the chief sometimes ) or in the expert local way done by Bertha..( a great person ) .I like to point out the great hospitality than we enjoy in Solentiname...the place , a comunity has been created by Ernesto Cardenal...a very famous priest in Nicaragua his fame come from his poems, he did Publish many books...internationaly known...Really the place is Unique with the paintings, the wood carver , the Thousands of birds...and NO TOURIST, NO CAR..., No doubts a Must see and so great fishing...<br>So many many fish... we decided for a last morning of Tarpon fishing in front San Carlos ...and at a time the five boats where with Tarpon on...The radios were screaming everywhere Fish on!!!<br>On the same day we did enter Costa Rica via Rio Frio a nice dinner, a night at Ecodirecta Lodge...Folowing day has been a relax day first an ecological tour ion Rio Frio and Cano negro then atransfer to the Arenal area.., the volcano...and a lunch in the so nice place of my friend Carlos with his 400 hundred big wild Iguanas...the day did end in another of my special places in the mountains with typical meals and a Birtday party with Candle Cake and it was the birthday of one of the guest...a lot of fun...Night has been in so beautiful bed and Breakfast of DON BETO in Sarcero...than I did hire for the group....<br>Folowing morning the group did left for USA from San Jose Airport.<br>I like to make some additional coments about this trip...It has been an event for us as it is the first time we had such a big group, usually we receive, two to six Anglers...It is not the same to have an expedition with 20 persons do need a lot of work <br>So First a big thanks to all my staff ( more than 20 persons ) who really did a great job with a special mention for Augusto...., Augusto Cesar you are a great Captain/fishing guide but also a great organisator... <br>Then a special thank to this so nice and sympatical group of Texas...really you are all great persons....and very very good Anglers...This was your first experience with tarpon you did it very well.. ( .next time I will try to fish with Popper for Rainbow bass with you )<br>Then when I read what i did wrote above ...I think many readers will think than this is exagerated..It is not and I will be glad to forward the e-mail adress of some person of the group to any Suspicious reader...<br>I took a few days break in my fishing ( I have a very nice family to take care of : Carmen and my two little boys ) I am now in San Jose Costa Rica ( 4th of February ) to check my mail and write my reports... Augusto is fishing in Nicaragua with a group...I called a few minutes ago ...they again had big tarpons, .to morow they will fish Solentiname..will release a lot of fish but will have one or two of them for dinner...Well .this will be the subject of a coming report.<br>I am going to morow night to fish with two groups....people coming from France and USA...I also will write reports when I get a chance...<br>Concerning my booking I am full till the 17th of February but do have open weeks after and during the folowing months.. Fishing and Hospitality will be the same....Please be in touch by Email at: or put a message on my cellular phone at 506 395 50 53 ( Costa Rica ) if you wish to come fishing with us... <br> <br>In January we also do received several other group, Domenico For Tarpon and Snook , Andy and Andrea for Fishing, Ecology, discovery..... Fishing has been good, for them also, the fishing reports are at: <br><br>Philippe Tisseaux<br>Email <br>Web page:<br>Preceding fishing reports ( 24 of them ) at: <br><br>
philippe. <br>Thanks for this great report!<br><br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher &lt;*(())))))))))&gt;{<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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