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Long Time No See Black Crappie
Oh the great days when stirring pump brakes down and gets all stiff once again and the shop said 2 hrs but took 4 hrs [mad]. There was no way I would of gone back home right away. I decided to hit sunset pond but nothing except 1 bit then I went to kidney pond. Caught 2 gills and 8 black crappie. The fish were dinkers but at least its not another day skunked. Like always a teen gota get some type of dose of fishing a few times a week. [blush]
Ugh are cars must be related. Mine has a date with the doctor too. Always seems like they run great for 6 months and then you pay for 8 months worth of repairs.

Nice work on the crappie. I never knew they were in that pond. By chance you were not searching for Pumpkin seeds at Sunset were you? Crappie on the fly is tempting but I wish they were a tad bigger. Oh well crappie are crappie right?

Oh yeah I am loving the photobucket slideshow option you are now posting. Now I acrually look at all the pics. I admit that if there are lots of unlabled pics I have to click on I don't look at them anymore. Yep I am lazy.

I hope I can get you into some pike this weekend bro.
Might get a better tug out of them compared to the baby fish you have there.[:p]
Sunset pond had no living action just maybe a few dancing carps that's my best bet. Ya the kidney pond apparentally have bass, crappie, gills, carp, trout, kitties and maybe sucker. I remember last year spring time I caught one sucker out of the pond. The crappie are small I know but didn't get skunked Smile. Now they are taking scuds and red copper John. Right before dark the pond was alive with dinker bass, gills, and crappie dancing. Ya photo bucket is faster to download pics instead one at a time on here gosh litterly take 1+ hr for a post and pic one at a time. We shall see if the pikes will invite float tube of death in there home. Ha ha ha a little more tug funny I could barly feel the crappies. I actually send one to the moon and I'm sure it actually missed the moon and passing Venus by now.
Yes passing venus and off to the fryer (ie the sun) LOL!
Ya I did. Ha ha ha.

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