10-10-2012, 03:22 AM
The sled for most is the center of your focus of your equipment. The size depends on what you think you need to have with you and then the next main consideration is what you want to pull and how far.
For me another cosideration is it's length & hiegth. Since I don't have a pickup the sled needs to fit in my Cherokee.
[inline "GEDC0086-1 (Small).JPG"]
The next for me is comfort. I like to sit and carring chairs is just more stuff so I cam up with this "tackle" box and mounted this stadium cahir on it.
[inline "home sweet home (Small).JPG"]
Then since I couldn't afford a nice sled with the built in tent, I tried my hand at making one.
[inline "IMG_3681 (Small).JPG"]
I found out that you need to anchor it cause it can be blown over and of course that will happen when you are in the middle of landing a "big" one[
For me another cosideration is it's length & hiegth. Since I don't have a pickup the sled needs to fit in my Cherokee.
[inline "GEDC0086-1 (Small).JPG"]
The next for me is comfort. I like to sit and carring chairs is just more stuff so I cam up with this "tackle" box and mounted this stadium cahir on it.
[inline "home sweet home (Small).JPG"]
Then since I couldn't afford a nice sled with the built in tent, I tried my hand at making one.
[inline "IMG_3681 (Small).JPG"]
I found out that you need to anchor it cause it can be blown over and of course that will happen when you are in the middle of landing a "big" one[
