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Finally doing my thing 10/17/12
Well. after playing nurse to the wife and dog and bunch of other stuff, I took Sparky to the Web. for a short trip. Spent about an 1 1/2 hrs. on the river and had great success. This guy and and another were the best but they were all good size. The river below Echo is at .61 scfs and just a little off color which did wonders for the fishun. Sparky didn't do that well, [frown] still very unstable in the hind quarters but I could see he was overwellmed to be out at our favorite spot together. Quit early so as not to overdo it with my bud. Even so, the fishun was great and this guy and another were the biggest (19"). Caught a bunch and kept dinner and released the rest. All caught on a Blue fox gold (thanks to the twins).[Wink]
[inline "fallWeb 1a.jpg"]
Glad to hear Sparky's doing better, and ditto that you got a chance to get out on the river. Nice fat fish there feller! Sounds like some good all tugs. Trout are digging those cooling waters!
no duckies?
Looks like they have converted you to the blue fox lure club ha ha ha .
Glad you guys were able to make it out together, and those are some great bows as well [Smile]
How does the Mepps Blue Fox compare to the Panther Martins? I may put one on each pole to see which one wins.
I myself am wondering that. I always seem to catch equal numbers of fish on both of them. I usually start out with a panther martin, catch some, switch to a blue fox when it slows, catch some, then switch back and forth. having said that, I do feel that a rainbow patterned panther martin is the lure that I have had the most success on.
Glad to see that things are on the mend.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
[quote Trout_lover]How does the Mepps Blue Fox compare to the Panther Martins? I may put one on each pole to see which one wins.[/quote]

Are Blue Fox made by Mepps? If so - I don't think I knew that.

You'll find different flavors and features of the spinners, and even within a brand-maker, they may have different options/styles - in addition to the patterns.

[center][inline s7_114841_renderset_01.jpg][inline s7_110249_renderset_01.jpg]
(PM on left, BF on right)
Most of the PMs I've used have a wire-thru blade style - which gives a tight spin close to the body (is it French?). While the more blade styles that most BFs use are attached by a clevis, and will wobble and maybe flash more.
Some of the BFs also have a body that will grate against the core, and may provide a bit more sonic action.

Being a whacko - I've made spinners that utilize both kinds of blades.

[inline CS_SpinArray.jpg]
[inline CS_SpringColors.JPG]

Then there's even wackier things like the CapSpinners
[inline "CSC.Final Lineup.jpg"]

Spots are great on anything!

Speaking of spots - I'd consider the Jakes lures too, plus I've enjoyed some of Joe's Flies - kinda a cross-breed.
Blue Fox is owned by Rapala.

I found this out when looking for some of the big musky spinners. Sometimes it is amazing to findout just who owns who.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
Also on another note.

Happy Birthday.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
This is for those kind folks that have indicated "Glad to see that things are on the mend", for Sparky. Not really true. However, he can walk/lope and keep me company as long as there aren't a lot of rocks, etc. He has lot of problems with his hind quarters, collapsing, etc. so I have to very careful and limit the time. It really hurts to see him try so hard since this is his happiness. His mind still says he can do it but his body says, no. [frown]
Kind of think his duck hunting and reservoir swimming for several hours are at an end unless there is big change in the next several months .[frown]
Hey dude you should look into water therapy for leaky. I'm not posittive what exactly what happened to him but i've heard about your dog and thatt he was involved in a tragic accident. Swimming and water therapy is actually one of the best treatments for joints and that type of thing. There's no impact from water so there's no pain that happens from it. It might help restrengthen Leakys legs and joints and at least make him somewhat resemble what he used to be.
I agree with you, but my problem is that since he has marginal control of hind legs, I really worry about him drowning , etc. since he doesn't swim well anymore. He has a blown disk and spine damage.
You might try one of the dog life vests for him. Especially as you take him around water. He loves it so much it might be hard to keep him on shore.

Good luck and best wishes for you and Sparky.
l like that idea. Leaky - you ever tried a doggie vest? I got one for my pup - as much as anything - has a handle on the back - so I could grab her and lift her in the boat. . . .

Something like that might help sparky relax in the water, maybe work his way with the front legs more...

Then again - don't want to overwork the boy. If things aren't right down there - don't want to risk longer term troubles . . .

good luck in any direction. Cheers!
Ouch man that's horrible! I feel you...Still, like these guys said you should use a dog life jacket and try to talk him into swimming in a pool or small pond untill u can trust he won't have any problems making it back to shore. My family has boston terriors and they are excellent swimmers but we always make them wear them just to be safe. I to have a bad spine. I have severe scoliosis and they want me to get surgery but I won't do it cause I feel great. I don't know but if Leakys like me, he will feel better the more active he is. I know it sounds weird but that's how it is for me. But anyway good luck man.

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