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Matheson - Love TV ads.

Dunno how you other BFTers feel about the absolutely sickening MASS of ads the Jim Matheson and Mia Love campaigns are putting on TV right now but I wanna puke! I don't actually know how much input either candidate has on the number or content of the flood of trash ads polluting every commercial break each evening but I have really been put off of both candidates. I have no idea what that flood of feces is costing the two campaigns but am sickened when I think of the constructive uses those funds could have been used for. How many warm coats and shoes for less fortunate schoolkids and maybe warm meals for the homeless could have been purchased?

My God, fellow Utahns, this is a terrible WASTE. Let's get the word to those two campaigns that we've had enough.

Thank you BFT for letting me vent.
I am glad I am not the only one that feels these two have gone way too far in their personal attacks. I have been a fan of the Matheson family, but since neither of them can give a clue as to a personal agenda if elected, I refuse to vote for either of them. Typical politicians, point fingers rather than work for a solution.
A huge amount of those adds are from outside sources. That is what happens when PACs are allowed to do as they please with no donation limits and no having to answer for anything.

Think of how much is spent in total on all local, state and federal ads in the whole country.
It could probably balance the budget.

The 2 party system is a problem, neither answers to the public, both are bought and paid for by big money. A 3 way split would force comprimise and get things moving again.
Its a microcosm of the whole political landscape. I'm not voting for any incumbent, any republican, or any democrat. If the nation had the guts to vote out every single one of the incumbent and two-party, crooked, SOB's, the newly elected might quit wasting and go to work. That's the only "word" we have that would make any difference. The other is "money," and that ain't most of us. It certainly isn't "we the people."

Vote NO to every incumbent, every judge, and every member of either main party. It'll never happen, but oh, what I'd give to see the country with ALL new congress people at the state and federal level. WOW!

+100%!!! I submit the country would be a helluva lot better run if we all voted AGAINST the incumbent in every single national race. That's the only way we're gonna get rid of the corrupt cronyism & good ol' boy networks that are running us to ruin.

We really need to limit the president & senators to one term, maybe let congressmen serve two terms if they serve and not just perpetuate the crap.
Ah s'pect ah gots a lil egg on muh face. Red a artickl in the Trib. yestiddy whut sez Jim & Mia don't have a helluva lotta input inta whut kinda crap the plitical axshun clowns kin put inta ther ads ifn they wants 2. Spose ah'll look at thuh individuls a lil more kindly.

Still caint hep thinkin sumpin iz rottener than he--.
AGREE!!!!! Oh a fresh start....what would we do.
But, Matheson so kicks LOVES? behind. This isn't a beauty pageant and a whole state, not an upity city.
Not your fault, it's all part of the sham/scam. These PACs can be anybody from anywhere and can say anything without the candidate even knowing about it, let alone approving of it.

The fine print at the bottom of the ads is hard to read and you have to be able to read 1000 words a minute to be able to read what they say.

Adds that the candidate approve of will almost always have the candidate saying they approve of the ad at the end. Anything else is just DNC/RNC/PAC dung and generally is very negative.
How do you know when any politician is lying?

They open their mouth.
[quote Coldfooter]How do you know when any politician is lying?

They open their mouth.[/quote]

WOW! Just like fishermen.....[laugh]
[sly] [laugh]
Ah rilly do blieve fishermen iz liars ceptin mebby you n me. Now don't go gittin yer shorts all bunched but sumtimes ah aint too shur bout you.

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