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EricM, Chick, catfish, 12-3-12, Unsuccessful search for the record - day 6
Wonderful, wonderful weather, so I figured to get an early start. Pffft. Some sort of gastric distress gave me pain from 4 am until mid-morning. Ok, so I now have a LATE start. Still wonderful weather. Hit the road for the nuke and got a nice close-up view of some sandhill cranes grazing in a field next to the road. Neat! Hit the water at about 9:30.<br /><br />I was alone at first, no one at the nuke, nice water flow. I got into the blue cats and was having a ball with fish up to 10-12 pounds on my 6 lb test. A second and a third boat showed up. Jeff (Muskrat) from the CFF was in his pontoon and caught a few good fish, including a nice 32 pound fish that was very long and skinny (40+ inches) that should have weighed 40+ pounds. No belly at all. I lent him a scale and a tape measure and took a couple of photos for him. The other boat I didn't know, but they were having trouble getting the cats to bite, so I gave them a couple of skipjack to use. It IS Christmas time, and I must have been in the grip of the spirit of the season.<br /><br />The south wind came up from the west (??) and made the day seem a bit cooler, and the water flow dropped causing the bite to do the same. I went home after boating a dozen of my little friends and having a terrific time. I haven't been out since a friend of mine helped me with my trailer (loading problems) and it was WONDERFUL the way the boat tucked back onto the trailer with the new guides! Thank you friend!<br /><br />Today's picture is of the SMALLEST fish of the day. Heck, someone has to catch them. emoBigSmile <br /><br />

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