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Ice is 4". Have not caught one yet. Seen a few cruising through on the AquaVu. Had some bites, but slow. Been here since 7:30. Fishing east of the boat launch. There is a wheeler on the ice.
We were fishing off a point in 18' of water. We just moved to 24' In a lil bay. Water is now 24' already seen a fish on the cam. Ppl next to us are catching same depth. They have 6 on the ice 16"-18" bows. Fish are now swimming through at 15' just missed them . Will keep you posted. Tent is hot beer is cold good day.
Bad news. Notta Enchilada. Still no fish. I thought I was a good fisherman. Maybe not. Fish finder and camera, still no fishies. Atleast not breathing smog. Planning on staying a couple more hours. The ice is talking. I will keep you posted.
Just got one. 16" bow on a maniac cutter bug pink in color tipped w/pb. No skunk yes!
SLOOOOOOOOOW MY FRIENDS. Ice is safe though. No snow, lots of thick frost on it easy walking. Only slick after the frost is off it.
Going to pack it up my friends. Take care.
Ok, I lied. Getting ready to leave put some techno on. Low and behold just iced in two bows in two minutes. Gotta be the music. It worked at Scofield last weekend.
Still here we are catching fish now. This will be my last post take care friends.
Ah the smart phones...

so, um - techno - is that a color of powerbait? [:p]

glad it worked and got ya some action. When in doubt - move about...
Hey Yote, by the looks of the views, that smart phone got a few looks on the web. Ended up having a nice day of fishing. When I was driving south on 5600 west (looking@the smog), felt like I was driving into a war zone. Regardless of the results of fishing today, get out of the valley folks. Go for a ride, it's worth it. I will be leaving for a work trip to Texas on Monday. I can't wait and that is one my least favorite places to be. This smog is hell.
I forgot to finish the ? for ya Yote . Techno is a beat, a song, you would not understand.
Thanks for keeping us updated. I like the live reports. Techno brings in the fish huh? To me its an assault on my eardrums! But if the fish like it, I may have to try it.
Either way, sounds like your day beat the hell out ofsitting in the soup in the valley.
Tiesto, fmr . Yes techno. No lie. The song everything is the name of it. It attracts trout. YouTube it, it's a nice song.
I was just ribbing ya. Sounds like a fun venture, and I'm all for getting up and out. Beats wearing a groove into the couch!

So do you have a BOSE box, or submersible subwoofer to bring the sound down? Fish do like waves and good vibrations!!!

And trust me you - I do know music, though prefer the more traditional Melody, Harmony, Verse-Chorus, ya know - actual NOTESes.

I think my boy's calling it "dumbstep" - (ok HE calls is "dubb" I call it "dumb") - every generation has to have a beat to affront their folks ears with. I'm with you FMR.

I had the Who singing "My Generation" eyonds ago, so it's all good.

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