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Aquaman and I went to Provo boat hadbor today.Fished the North jetty-no luck.If you catch some fish there,watch your bucket!!Their was a large black Mink stealing fish.One of the fishermen had left his bucket up above him on the rocks,and the Mink tried to steal a Carp that was bigger than he was.The guy drove him off,but he snuck back and got a Crappie the guy had!No fear in this little guy at all.
Went to the South jetty and I caught one white bass.As always with Aquaman it was a fun day.[crazy]
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that was a greedy mink first he tried to drag off a 10# crap when he couldn't manage that he stole a crappie stached it in the rocks and came back for another but the guy chased him off this mink must have been doing this all summer because i didn't know they came that big
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Cool did you get a pic?
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i got a couple of fishcrazy i'll post when i get developed i tried he wouldn't stop running around long enough
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I've got a pic of something on my last Mirror Lake post don't know if its a mink or not I'll try to find it and attach it here.
All of God's creaatures must eat. I think it is pay back for the coat thing.
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There's a mink down by the pumps at Utah Lake too. He ran off with a mud cat my son caught a couple of weeks ago.
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Watch out for the minks. They can actually be quite mean and vicious. If you push them too hard they may just snap back. Nasty little critters. I used to run into them on the Logan River all the time. I gave them a lot of room. Some were escapees from the many mink farms up there and others were wild. Either way they gave me the willies.
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I was once river fishing myself and was doing really well On one of my Fav-o-rite little holes. While taking a break and eating my lunch I had one come up out of the rocks and right to my feet, Now I dont recomend everyone try this but I sat on a rock and started thowing some of my sandwich to him before long he was acctully on my lap eating my sandwich and chips. but just about the time I "shew shew'd" him away he got a little up set and made some funny noises. I just stood up and he jumped off. I went on fishing and got a decent one and threw it to him to take back home to the wife and kids :}
Been back a couple times and see him every time but never dared to try the feeding him thing again after he got mad [unsure]
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In the past I've had to do battle whith these little critters when they got after the chickens. Amazing what they can do to a chicken. They are mean. Had one climb up a cinderblock wall, jump onto a ladder and then at me. Builds adrenaline real fast. Cute, but nasty to deal with.
Ran into one on the face of Rockport this summer too. He just took the perch I gave him and vanished.
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here the critter is, what is it, mink or weasle
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I think that is a mink. The weasles I have seen have wider faces and jaws. Also the weasles I have seen are only about 12-14 inches long from head to tail while minks are more like 16-20 inches head to tail. All the minks I've seen were pretty much black. And I have had run-ins with pine martins in the Uintas. They are even bigger than minks but not near so pushy and mean. Either way, they like fish.
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That pic was taken @ Mirror Lake a couple weeks ago.
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Nice pictures and all, but didn't you guys learn not to feed the wild animals.
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Maybe that is a weasle. I have never seen a mink around Mirror Lake. I have seen weasles and lots of pine martins though. The weasles I have seen in the Uintas have been a light brown(almost tan) on top with a white belly. Pine martins up there are yellowish on the bottom and redish brown on top. Do weasles turn white during winter? How long was the little guy?
Interesting critter you saw!
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Looks more like a weasel to me. Weasels turn white during the winter. Mink retain their color year round.
I think what you saw was a Ermine. It is a member of the weasel family.
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[cool]Correctamundo. That is an ermine...which is the winter color for the weasel. They are both the same animal. It changes color in the winter like snowshoe rabbits. They get a black tip on the tail and when they run across a snowy area that's all you can see is that black tail tip.
The rest of the story is that the weasel family is a large one. It includes the minks, martens, badgers, skunks and the notoriously nasty wolverines. What a family.
And, for their size, there are no more vicious killers in the animal kingdom. They can and have seriously injured humans, although I have never heard of anyone being killed by one.
Oh yeah, I did hear about one. A guy was walking down the railroad track and he didn't hear the weasel. (Old joke...before diesels)