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Make sure to pay your park fees! I forgot, now I got $115 ticket. My bad I admit but dang that seems a little steep. Anywhere else I have fished they at least give you a warning or slip the envelope in your wipers.
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That's why i avoid jordanelle,I'm suprised they don't charge you to look at the place when you drive by.Sorry ive got my share there to.
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You might just want too buy a state park pass for $75 and keep it in your car instead of paying $115.
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Sounds like the sargent that runs deer creek. I forgot my $75 pass and now she gave me a ticket. I'll tell what the state is out to get every dollar they can. They are kind of like doctors pay as you
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It's practically extortion just to pay a day use fee there anyway, let alone the fine. Geez.
Sorry man, that sucks.
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Thats no good getting a ticket. Some states actually encourage fisherman to use their state parks by having a smaller day use fee with a valid fishing license. Wish Utah would follow suit, may actually increase usage and therefore revenue.
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Lol! That is what I thought. I think they have one of the highest day use costs. I think i'll stick to the berry for now on, at least their day use fees are not required this time of year and better fishing. Again, it's still my fault just wish I had a warning or an envelope on the wipers. That would have stopped my boycott of that reservoir.
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ya that same lady freaked out at me and my dad last year ice fishing cause we didnt pay in rainbow bay when we hadnt been paying there for years. It kind of makes me wonder what im paying for when there are no working restrooms and no garbage removal/cans. she powertrips man.[crazy]
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Ya it should be free until they put those portable toilets and sink out there. Then we will pay them for the service. HA HA HA.
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I've had a run in with the rangers at jordanelle before as well. A friend and I cut through some camp grounds and a giant of a man came runnin over sayin we couldn't be there as the spot was his, as we were going to oblige the man ( didn't want to get in a fight) my buddy said just let us grab our stuff using a different word for stuff the ol boy came unglued and started yellin and bam!! Just like that he popped my buddy right upside the head. I call the ranger station thinkin that even if we were in his spot he didn't have the right to hit anybody, but when the ranger got there and sorted it out he told us if we press charges he would arrest us for disorderly conduct as well! I felt a little disgusted as my friend is just a little guy and the man who assaulted him was easily twice his size. Funny thing is my buddy apologized to the older gentleman and he apologized as well. Then they shook hands and are still friends today. Funny that deer creeks officers were brought up. I've not had any problems there and I fish there often. But I have seen them get after a few different people. So now I've heard central and north officers like barney at mantua have given people grief, does anyone ever have problems south? Maybe sand hollow, quail? Gunlock? Powell? Or east? Starvation? Steinaker? Red fleet? The gorge? Pelican?
I usually never get more than a license check, and maybe some conversation about fishing.
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[quote NickBfattrout] Anywhere else I have fished they at least give you a warning or slip the envelope in your wipers.[/quote]
so how many times, and how many other places have you "forgotten" to pay your fee and received the warnings?
Kind of sounds like you needed a ticket this time. Maybe next time you won't "forget"?
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Rainbow bay used to be my favorite spot on DC to ice fish but when they jacked the rate up I stopped going there. I could stomach 5 bucks but I won't pay 10 just to park. I just park by the island now and avoid the fee. I really think they should have a winter rate. I understand they have to plow the lots and access roads, but when the bathrooms are closed, the picnic areas are snowed in, and you can't launch a boat, how do they justify charging so much? I'm going to email my state rep about this issue.
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Never said I didn't deserve it, just a little steep. I usually forget once or twice a year when I have the kids. Hey i'm human.
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I've considered the season state park pass. Obviously it only covers state parks and I'm a little unsure which parks that covers. Are there some notable exceptions that I would still need to pay for if I liked hitting the lakes to fish? (very vague question I know; I'm hoping someone knows a link to a list or some way to see what it covers)
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It took me seconds too find the info. It's simple. You just have too type state park pass utah and it was the first website.[bobhappy]
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0 is the website to look into the state parks pass. Notable exceptions the pass is not good at Pineview, Strawberry, Flaming Gorge, Lake powell. There is a list of all the parks it is good at under the parks page and not all the parks have fishing.
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It's not good at Pineview so the contract concessionaire can extort their hideous $12 launch/park fee.
I buy one each year and haven't yet used it anywhere but Willard. At the senior rate, it only takes me a few trips to break even. They do sell an annual pass for Pineview, but I'd have to fish there a dozen times to break even. That's more times than I'd care to brave the crazies in their speedboats.
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You have to be 50% disabled through the VA to get it for $35.
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[quote ScottyP]Rainbow bay used to be my favorite spot on DC to ice fish but when they jacked the rate up I stopped going there. I could stomach 5 bucks but I won't pay 10 just to park. I just park by the island now and avoid the fee. I really think they should have a winter rate. I understand they have to plow the lots and access roads, but when the bathrooms are closed, the picnic areas are snowed in, and you can't launch a boat, how do they justify charging so much? I'm going to email my state rep about this issue.[/quote]
[cool][#0000FF]I brought this thread to the attention of Jeff Rasmussen...a BFT friendly admin at State Parks. This is the email he sent back:
There is a winter rate at Deer Creek State Park. Its $5. I just spoke with the park manager and she confirmed that there are signs at each entrance station indicating the reduced rate. As mentioned in the post, there are still costs with plowing and maintaining the facilities but the reduced services offered in the winter do not justify the regular $10 entrance fee.
So, to answer the question in the post, the current winter entrance fee at Deer Creek is $5. The fee will go back to $10 this spring when all the facilities are up and running again.
Hope that helps.
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Kind of funny he mentioned plowing for the cost.I was up there last week and maybe half of it was plowed.