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Hey guys, who's planning on being up at the cisco disco this weekend?
I'm taking my girl up there and plan on doing a few hours in the morning.
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I'll be there after some bait. Later J
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Might have to work on the boy - but sounds like it could be a good year to hit it!
Is it possible to borrow a net for nabbing a few? Gather when they're on - it's quick action.
Recent ice-ventures sound awfully tempting to try!!!
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Yote, I haven't heard if they are running at the beach yet or not... The phone line has been busy all night so I can't get todays report... Got Skunked yesterday with the scouts, no fish hitting the beach yet, but it should be any day now... If your around us Saturday you're welcome to borrow my nets, assuming I've got a packet of bait rounded up... I'm almost wondering about hitting the rock pile and jigging my cisco rather than the disco crowd, but if my father-in-law feels up to coming with, I won't be able to walk the trek to the rock pile, so I'll hit the beach.. You may want to hit the rock pile and use a Kastmaster and jig just off the bottom so you can catch cisco, whitefish and trout all at the same spot... Anyway got to run... Later J
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000]I will be there with my son and Petty4life43, we are hoping to be able to dip some limits of Cisco and afterwards maybe hit the rockpile for some fishing action.[/#000000][/font]
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[quote CoyoteSpinner]Might have to work on the boy - but sounds like it could be a good year to hit it!
Is it possible to borrow a net for nabbing a few? Gather when they're on - it's quick action.
Recent ice-ventures sound awfully tempting to try!!![/quote]
I was going to go take my kids because they would love looking in the hole seeing these schools of fish coming through but I have to work. That is a great memory I have with my dad. I went Monday hoping to get into them early but they were not coming in yet so I was disappointed the kids did not get to experience it. They had fun helping dig the holes and skating on the ice. Ice was pretty solid so no concern there this weekend and I'm sure it is really solid now. I DO have a net you can borrow if you want. I live in Layton if that is close to where you are. PM me if you want to use it since I will not be able to.
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If any of you guys see a guy in a grey Grand Cherokee or a black/grey Cabelas single hub tent and a big camo jet sled hollar over!
Will probably park west of the resort by the rock pile and hike in around 7am
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Hey Dan, I've heard of [font "Comic Sans MS"]Petty4life but who is this Petty4life43 guy you speak of?[/font]
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LOL, same Character Curt.
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You'll miss the disco over there on the west side. Disco is at Cisco beach on the east side. But I'm sure the crowd will be there as well. Good luck. J
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I'm after a 10lb cutt, not baitfish!
From what I've gathered (never done this before) I'll set up on the rock pile, throw an ice fly below a kastmaster and catch a whitefish on the bottom. Then use the whitefish for cut (pun inteded) bait on the kastmaster while dropping it to the bottom and ripping it up then pause, then rip. Am I far off?
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You'll want to snag a Cisco for bait. I don't think you can use the whitefish as bait. You can snag the Cisco off the rock pile with just a cast master or Krocodile jigged off the bottom. The ice fly will let ya catch some whitefish as well and I like a big tube jig tipped with Cisco for the trout. Depending on who goes with me, I might just do the rock pile myself. I wouldn't mind smoking some whitefish. Good luck. J
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Good luck with the 10lb cut
[  ]
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thanks for the advice, I'm excited to get up there!
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Yup me too, it's fun when ya jerk for the jig action and nothing moves and then it takes off. Hope that happens anyway. Let us know how ya did? Later J
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Please note:
For daily updates updates rather than the DWR phone line, we also update daily Cisco reports here:
Please remember everyone...the ice is not consistent this year so please watch your step if you venture out.
For those looking to dip net: Good news. We were there this morning and four of use limited out in under 2 minutes.
They are in and in THICK so catching your limit should be no problem.
Be Safe and have fun!
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[#BF0000]"Fishing for trout has slowed to almost a stand-still. The predator fish have eaten their fill and are no longer hungry. We talked to the anglers on the rock-pile this morning, not a single trout had been caught amoung the 12 different groups there"
[#000000]So if no trout are being caught, are nets/holes available to anyone over at the disco?
I've got big trout nets but I don't think the holes are small enough for fish that size and I have no idea what I'd use to cut a hole
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Darin's shop has them right there at Bear lake. Generic fishing nets won't work very well at all and you'll be wasting your time and scaring fish if you use them.
He'll be open, but you are welcome to give him a call too: 435-757-9430
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What about the holes?
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There are typically people that are kind enough to share theirs once they are done.
We will be cutting a number of them with chainsaws tomorrow; however, it's a lot like fishing anytime/anywhere you go, you are probably best served if you come prepared on your own.
Everyone there is there to have a good time and enjoy this once-a-year event and there will probably be holes enough for everyone; that being said, I would take a heavy shovel and a crowbar just in case.
It literally takes longer to cut the hole than it does to dip-net your limit; so if you aren't coming in a truck or have a full car load of family/kids; I'm sure if you ask anyone that's already got a hole cut they will share it with you once they are done.
They are in thick now so even if you have to wait 5 minutes; you'll be able to limit out very easily through someone else's.