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Giving Anglers a bad name
yeah, I am on my soap box a gain,

I think most every one here would be too if they had witnessed what I saw this past week out on the ice.

And that was a couple guys catching fish laying them on the ice 25-30 at each hole taking thier limit and kicking the dead ones back down the hole. They having a half dozen holes a peace that is like a couple hundred fish that died for thier limit of 25. compound that over the number of days they fish it comes to thousands..[mad]

Now buds, that is just wrong on so many leavels.

[ol][li]that is just plain murder for profit.[/li][li]it drasticaly diminishes the fish that can be caught in the seasons to come[/li][li]it brings in scavenger fish like dog fish that keep the targeted spcies away[/li][li]It gives anglers a bad name [/li][/ol]enough said....
did you turn them in? for poaching
I called them to send out a man with a vidio camera.

as to weather that has happened is any ones guess.

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