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cj ice?
Was wondering if anybody could tell me if there is safe ice up there having never been there before was wanting to try tomorrow with my 12 yr old son but its a far drive to find that the ice is unsafe any help would be great thanks
Call The Fishing Hole in Bruneau. They would know. The number is (208) 845-2001.
It was great on weds, should still be. We found fish way out in 30 ft of water. Good luck.
Having never been before is a certain part of the lake better than others? Meaning north side south side west or east not looking for a honey hole just a guide in the rigjt direction
Cottonwood Campground, it's really shallow near shore, maybe 6 ft at bouys. PM sent.Smile
I was out today and the ice was fine. Dont get witin a few feet of shore thouhh. Pretty soft around there. Park at cottonwood and wander out towards the mass of folks. 30ft is tye target depth and cutbait within a foot or so of the bottom is key. Doesnt seem to matter what you use as far as lures as long as its tipped with cutbait. If you are looking for trout stay closer in I would say 12ft deep or less. White jigs have always been best for me on cj regardless of what time of year or species targeted.

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