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blind squirell finds nut
[Image: temporary-18.jpg]
fished one of my crappie lakes, and wasnt doing very well . i was jigging a 1/12 oz kastmaster, and half of a minnow,when the rod buckled when i set the hook.i knew immideately i was undergunned on the rod, but we got it through the hole, and on to a dinner plate quickly.
vey niec catch [Smile]
sweet, like to see a few more of those my self.
with soggy ice, and warm ups and cool downs, im just glad to have gotten out, and not fallen through.we havent had 10" of ice here in a FEW years. i have real doubts the good ice was 5". it had 10" of snow and slop on top. Sad when you wear snow shoes to get your hut into place. its hard to find fish when you dont feel safe enough to get around the lake. pennsylvania used to have real winters.
I am with you on that boat.

we used to have winters here in michigan as well, I can remember ice fishing in november and april.. now we are lucky if we get to ice fish in febuary.

looking to get to some of my favorite holes is nerve challanging especialy when we have moving water on the lakes. even lakes with no ingress and out going streams can still have moving water.

on avrage in mid michigan we have about 10 inches of ice some a lot less and vary few with just a little more.
[url ""][Image: DSCN1739.JPG][/url]

I finaly managed to pull one up last week. what a whopper...
I was in the middle of pulling up gills when this lunker attacked my waxworm.

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