03-19-2013, 08:06 PM
In the middle of a paper and wanted to here all of your opinions on it.[

should teacher be able to carry guns?
03-19-2013, 08:06 PM
In the middle of a paper and wanted to here all of your opinions on it.[
![]() [signature]
03-19-2013, 08:21 PM
ONLY if they take the proper classes on how to handle a firearm, then I encourage it. Know your weapon.
03-19-2013, 08:44 PM
[quote flygoddess]ONLY if they take the proper classes on how to handle a firearm, then I encourage it. Know your weapon.[/quote]
I wholly agree on this one.[cool] [signature]
03-19-2013, 09:05 PM
I agree with you but there are some teacher that should never touch a gun. [:|]
03-19-2013, 09:29 PM
Yes, teachers are people too [cool] As citizens they should be able to carry. Now if you asking if they should be allowed to carry in the classroom well that's a very touchy subject.
In my opinion Teachers would need at the very least a CCW class which with the new bill on the house floor I dont even know if a ccw is required anymore. Teachers in the class room have a added responsibility to the welfare of there students. Packing heat into the class room would add to the responsibility into the fact that. 1. They need to be able to keep the weapon out of students possession. I know I know allot of you gun owners already have a second sense for this but a new gun owner my want to put the gun in his desk or jacket and forget. I say they need to keep the weapon strapped to there persons during school hours. Especially if this is a k-12 class room 2. Teacher are also under a higher degree of stress 30 kids in a room for 2 to 4 hours. In most cases teachers do a great job of commanding there class rooms but ever so often there always a few who have to test the boundaries. Last thing we want is a teacher to go nutz The biggest debate for me is in the past a normal citizen could get there ccw and carry just about any were except were posted or federal buildings. The U of U allows guns on campus if im not mistaken BYU is the only campus you cant carry in Utah. That being said, is it infringing on Citizens rights if we ask Teachers to do more than what a normal citizen does ? I mean you could literally sit down in a class at the U and have the guy next to you with a .45 under his shirt. But force a teacher to do more ? YES In my opinion since teachers have the add responsibility of the welfare of there students should be required to take additional training even some sort of combat training in properly firing a weapon and carrying a weapon just like police do. [signature]
03-19-2013, 09:39 PM
I agree with all those that replied so far but I would add, it would or could have been a far different outcome if some or all of the teachers had been carrying guns with the school shootings that have happened. Of course that is my opinion but I find it hard to believe it could have been any worse.
03-19-2013, 09:42 PM
No. What happen if teacher gets pushed to the brink/gets depressed/goes nuts. Teachers are humans as well. what's to stop them if they go 'crazy'?
03-19-2013, 10:03 PM
Yes there is the possibility of a teacher going nutz but this also could be said with a Police Officer, Military or even the ccw holder.
I think if anyone has the mental aptitude to carry a gun it would be a teacher. Some of these guys/gals have the smarts to teach Quantum Mathematics [sly][sly] [signature]
03-19-2013, 10:08 PM
True, anyone can go crazy. However teachers are in an especially advantaged position if they do so.
One way locking doors on all but front doors for schools (go out with no prob, but you can't open it from the outside). A police officer watching the front door, and checking everyone who comes in. The liability insurance would be expensive. With school budgets tight already, where's the dough? [signature]
03-19-2013, 10:38 PM
[quote carToon]No. What happen if teacher gets pushed to the brink/gets depressed/goes nuts. Teachers are humans as well. what's to stop them if they go 'crazy'?[/quote]
I would think "IF" this were to happen it would with or without a firearm. There are many teachers that do not feel comfortable with a firearm...so don't. I say if a teacher "wants" that protection (remember teachers have been targets as well) then they take the proper training, just like I did to pack a loaded weapon under my clothing. A inside belt holster, Boot or ankle holster...several options. Leaving it in a desk or a coat on the back of a chair? Unacceptable behavior. Know your Firearm. If you don't know it, don't carry it...simple as that. [signature]
03-19-2013, 11:06 PM
Let me extend this a little. I think IF a teacher wishes to pack, training is a must, but I will go farther and say special training.
I hear to receive a CWP now you pay the price sit in a class, get a pass port piture, good to go. While I did learn a lot in the class which was a four hour class, we HAD to shoot. I am not sure what is involved these days but I know it is not as detailed. [signature]
03-19-2013, 11:21 PM
Yes, teachers should carry. I agree on additional training, but I do not agree that they are more likely to go nuts and shoot.
I was an elementary teacher for a LOT of years. I'm retired now. Teachers ARE under a lot of stress, but they learn to handle it, or they quit early. How many teachers do you know that went nuts and attacked their students in anyway? That has to be a very low statistic! Most of us teach because we love kids and want to impact their lives for good. It certainly isn't for the pay or the pat on the back. Both of which are pretty much nonexistent. 911 is not quick enough, and in some areas is as much as an hour away. It is tragically useless in many cases! I would do anything to protect my students. They are MY kids. Give teachers the tools and training they need, and they will look out for your kids as their own. [signature]
03-19-2013, 11:52 PM
I strongly support allowing teachers to carry firearms (pistols) in class so long as they are very well trained in their use and can prove they can shoot accurately. As far as a teacher losing it goes, this is a possibility we can't overlook. I'm sure there are psychological tests that would be able to identify those teachers that might be a risk. If they are an otherwise effective teacher, just don't let them carry. Such a denial should be kept confidential though. Again, the NRA slogan "The solution to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with one" is right on the mark.
Not to be a smarta-- but I think you meant you wanted to hear opinions not here them. [signature]
03-20-2013, 12:24 AM
i asked this question to my 12 year old son he replied that one of his female teachers is ex-military and he would fill safer if she would that if something was to happen she could just take care of it
then i ask about his principle and he told me that would scary him to death because the man wouldn't know what end to hold so even a 12 year old can see the common sense in this why cant the government ??? [signature]
03-20-2013, 12:43 AM
03-20-2013, 04:13 AM
If a teacher goes nuts, its irrelevant if they can legally carry or not. No person follows the law in getting a permit, doing whatever training is required to legally carry, then using legally acquired firearm and permit to commit acts of terror. If they go nuts, they can buy a five gallon gas can a rag and a lighter with no license or training.
03-20-2013, 07:29 PM
[#0000FF][cool]I am long past the age where I would have to make that determination about one of my teachers. But my grandkids aren't. And I care about them.
It scares me when I hear about the changing conditions in our schools and classrooms from what I knew as a youngster. Kids routinely get away with stuff that would have put me in detention...or gotten me a whuppin' with a piece of garden hose...AT SCHOOL...with no repercussions from my parents. On the flip side, there are seemingly more teachers who are in it only because it offers a secure job in tough times. They sometimes seem to care more about how many hours they have to work and what the benefits are than being able to have a positive impact on the minds and lives of students. No doubt being a teacher is a stressful job. And there are increasingly more incidents such as we have watched on TV recently...where arming teachers may or may not have had a better outcome. There are likely to be some test cases within the not to distant future. Hope they end well. My point? I'm getting old. I forgot. Let's just say that we are mostly familiar with the term "going postal"...after the rash of postal employees going nutso and taking out a bunch of other people. I just hope we never have to also become familiar with something like "teacher freakout". My bet is that the bottom line of teacher arming will be more positive than negative. I have never been in law enforcement...except on volunteer public awareness programs. One of the things that is commonly preached is that criminals do not like attention and that they will always attack someone who poses the least threat to them. That is the reason for alarm systems. They do not completely stop burglaries but they reduce the. Ditto for dogs, deadbolt locks and other deterrents. And in parts of the country where most farmers and homeowners are known to be armed the incidence of home invasions are almost nil. Most of the gun violence tragedies we have seen recently have a common thread...they were planned. But I believe that if the planners knew or believed that they might encounter more resistance...from armed teachers or other employees...they would have given up or gone elsewhere. Most of the mentally unstable people who have been involved in these tragedies were cowards. They would likely have dropped their weapons and run shrieking from the encounter if met with armed resistance. That's the way cowards and bullies work. Stand up to them and they back down. [/#0000FF] [signature]
03-20-2013, 07:38 PM
Yup wherever the people are unarmed the rates of violence and abuse go up, in the words of those far more eloquent than I
[font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font] The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria) [font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font] [signature]
03-20-2013, 09:47 PM
After reading these comments I wonder how many people know that Utah allows teachers that have permits to carry in the schools. The administration doesn't have the right to ask if you have a permit. I teach high school and this topic has come up during the recent meeting about school security. I ask my local police chief about it He didn't encourage me. The point he made was that when an officer enters a school and he is looking for a person with a weapon. It could get ugly. There intent is to eliminate the problem. They don't know the faculty.
I think there are some teachers in my school that are very capable of properly handling a bad situation. There are some that know nothing about firearms. I think It could be beneficial for some of the more capable ones to carry and there are some that do. gshorthair [signature] |
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