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Now's the time for reel Maint.
Just a few weeks ago I took a deep sea charter out of N.H. I use my own poles which have Penn. 303 level wind attached. I had only used the poles one other time this year and that was in the spring. At that time I had cleaned them up and installed new 50lb. test on them. After that trip I rinsed them down and forgot about them until this fall when my second trip was scheduled. I should have taken the time over the summer to clean them again. The first fish I had on turned out to be a nice haddock, but I had a lot of difficulty bringing that fish in. The insides of my penn was all coated with salt. I thought I was going to have to pull the line in hand over hand which would have cost me all that new line. Eventually I did manage toget the line back on the spool but it was a very tiring affair because we were fishing at 250' on a drift so there was at least 300' of line out. I was able to use my second pole for the rest of the day and the fish where hitting good.

As I think back at the first trip I remember that it was a ruff trip back to port and the poles where hit with a lot of spray. So if you want to have a great day on the water take care of your equipment. I pick up some good info from this experience. Chief
you know you are top priority is reel maintanance.

I negleted to do mine last winter and all summer long my crank on my real just would not stop squeeking. and when the temps got cold this fall the real wanted to frees up. got real stiff on me.

I will have to fix that before spring if I want to get any peace and quiet on the water next year.

this is going to be a total tear down and reasembly to make sure I find that little squeeker. I looked several times, even used wale oil on it to get rid of the noise. no luck.
That's for sure Dave a full tear down is needed. I also have to do my ice rigs so they will be first on my list. Most of my free time lately has been spent chasing Bambi with little success. One more day of archery then to get out the big guns.
My Lady picked me up a power auger for my B-day because I didn't get the win in the ice tourney last winter. I got to gas that and try it out. I've been designing a auger carrier for my ATV. My thought is to set the auger on a pole off the rear of the ATV on a slide that will allow the auger to move freely up and down. It will be spring loaded to allow the auger to go back up on it's own. My thought is why carry the auger around when I can have the ATV do the work for me and all I have to do is drive to my next hole location plung the auger down then move onto the next. When I get that set up I'll take a pic for you. Chief
I hear ya, I to will be fishing for horned fish starting monday, after the amitures get out of the woods... the season opened up today here in mich.

I am not keen on the idea of going out when the woods is full of trigger happy fools. since I am not working I wil go out on the week days, hopfuly a rainy day so that all the rest of hunters will stay in thier blinds. I need a slow walking target standing still better yet. not to mention I need to be at close range.

I will most likly start on my reel just as soon as I get my horned fish or in december, which ever comes first.

sounds like you will have a premo setup for ice augging. you are bound to run in to some nice perch that way....

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