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Support the DNR
I think we should all give the division a break. I was at the Walleye seminar and heard what the DNR Representative said about the walleye at Willard and it made sense about the opening of the inlet. I for one do not condone the illegal snagging that is taking place but it sounds like law enforcement is out there. I will not participate in fishing at the inlet but I am grateful that we have biologist that are out there studying are fishery . I might not always agree with there decisions but I am glad they are there.
Oops! I intended to attend the walleye seminar, but missed it. Are there ways to catch up? A report online? Transcript, etc?
If the dwr law enforcement was doing a good job why is it that no one is saying they seen them at the inlet??

Are they invisible or are they there at all??
I think that's probably a good idea too. I know I was upset with the inlet being opened but I wasn't at the RAC meeting when the decisions was made. Not like they have a crystal ball or something. The problem with being in a position such as the DWR is that no matter what you'll never make everyone happy. At least not at the same time. Always easy to throw stones after the fact, but the truth is it's our own damned fault.

DWR folks, thanks for your response to our posts, emails, phone calls, and all your hard work!
[quote bassrods]If the dwr law enforcement was doing a good job why is it that no one is saying they seen them at the inlet??

Are they invisible or are they there at all??[/quote]

[quote Fin-S-Fish]Fished it two evenings in a row just out of curiosity. Was there for 4hrs and saw only 2 or 3 fish caught in a large group of people, and they didn't look snagged. I'm sure the numerous officers saw the same thing. There's a few snaggers much as one of the agents said, but there's really not a huge amount fish being caught. And they are citing the few snaggers they found so I know for sure you guys are having excellent control over the situation.[/quote]

[quote mike4cobra]In fairness, I was at the inlet today( not fishing) and saw a total of 4 fish cops at the south marina with one actively checking folks.[/quote]

Here's a couple of quotes
Thats good to see, from what I read up to now the DWR law was no place to be seen...

With only one side of the story it looks pretty one way..
[quote WiperMac]I know I was upset with the inlet being opened but I wasn't at the RAC meeting when the decisions was made.[/quote][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]WM,[/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][/#800000][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]I am not picking on you or throwing any stones, but thought I'd point out that your statement about the RAC was technically incorrect. The RACs are actually charged as follows: [/#800000][/font]"The councils shall: hear Utah Division of Wildlife Resources input, including recommendations, biological data, and information regarding the effects of wildlife; gather information from staff, the public and government agencies; (and) make recommendations to the Wildlife Board in an advisory capacity." [font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000]The 'decision' is actually made by the Wildlife Board based on recommendations of the 5 RACs and other factors.[/#800000][/font]
Bob Hicks, from Utah
I'm 82 years young and going as hard as I can for as long as I can.
"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms."
I decided to drive out and take a look at the inlet yesterday.
I was only there for about an hour but I did see one DNR CO while I was there. A DNR truck also drove by.

There were only about a dozen anglers there at the time. I saw onf Walleye caught and it appeared to be in the mouth. I heard the guy that caught it ask someone if it was a mail or female. He was going to put it back, if it was a female.

A friend of mine has been fishing the inlet all last week. He called the DNR and turned in 3 groups of anglers that he witnessed keeping snagged fish. He was told later that all three groups were cited for their violations.

The CO's can't be there 24/7 but they are showing their presence. They are also there under cover and observing the situation.
I don't think that we can ask for much more than they are doing.

As long as people obey the law and violators are reported, I don't see a problem having the inlet open.
Glad to hear that, i understand the CO's cannot man it 24/7 their efforts are appreciated, glad your friend decided to get involve, and i know many here have done the same (Thank's to them as well), this will help the DNR, protect against abuse of the resource we so dearly enjoy, only takes a few citations and the word will spread. I was concerned in the beginning, that not much was being done to combat the illegal activity, sounds like they are getting a handle on it, thanks for your post. I would also like to thank Drew, for taking the time to respond both publicly and privately.
I went out for a couple of hours tonight and there were red signs all over the place around the inlet at the S. marina. The red signs had a warning that fish not caught in the mouth must be released.
It's funny how many people that are not in support of the inlet being open are actually fishing the inlet.

From what I understand the walleye eggs at the inlet are not the main source of baby walleye, because of how murky the water is in the inlet.

I also assume that the biologists know what they are doing. I support the DNR on this action and I hope they keep it open to give Utah fisherman an opportunity to catch some spring walleye.
Oh great, now everyone is feeling bad about calling out the DNR for screwing up.

I still call this a major screw up, all their studies and all their reasoning looks good on paper right. The bottom line is it should have never happened and in the near future everyone is going to see how this will affect willard walleye populations. It was just fine the way it was and everyone was use to it. Theres plenty of area to fish on willard without the inlet open, with or without a boat.

It's no different than when they over kill our elk hunting units, the herds start to get to where the hunting is good and BAM the DNR decides to sell an extra alotment of tags to keep it in check then it takes another five years to recover. Example is the south slope, extra cow tags were sold over the counter just before the hunt started for 25.00 and all the people and there dogs showed up and over killed our area we hunt. Wow, it just never stops with this state. All they give a shit about is revenue and make hasty decisions.

They screwed up, they know it, they need to close it.

Oh I see, this gives them an easy way to get a bunch of revenue for the state by writing all those citations for snaging and what ever else happens out there.

NO SUPPORT !!!!!!!!!!!!! BAD CALL.
According to their studies it won't effect the walleye population, a majority of the walleyes eyes in the inlet wont become fry because of the murky water.

If another option looks good on paper, then the DNR should not employ it?

Elk hunt? Most of the elk herds in the state are limited entry draw, which are the units with a great elk population. Any bull units (Over the counter) don't have as many elk, which allows you to shoot any bull that you see.

Anyways I like the call, because it is supported with research and not personal bias or opinion.
The DNR has a tough job and there is no way they will make everybody happy. They have to balance herd management against winter range, livestock ranchers pressure, the desires of a miriad of sports hunter with differing opinions. They have the same issues with fishing, trout people, walleye specialist, panfisherrs, bucket biologist. They ask for our input, they have good biological data and they make decisions based on that info. Will we all be happy campers??? NO WAY!!!! Even if we were all in the same room at the same time we would be hard pressed to come up with an agreement. Drew has come on this board and explained the decision, he has also had lengthy phone conversations with disgruntled walleye guys. Most have seen a different light. My hat is off to the DNR. Will they make decisions I dont like ? YES. That is just the way it is we will never agree 100% as a body of fish and game users.

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