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Ririe ice off
Was up there last weekend and there was 100 yards of open water on the west side. Has anyone been by ?Is the ice off now?
No, ice is not totally gone, I was there today and it was about half-iced, but going fast. I watched a boat launch and try to head to the dam , but evidently they ran into some ice their craft couldn't quite break. After about an hour or so, they got off the water. It was very warm out so I would imagine with this weather, a guy should be able to launch a boat and go about anywhere he'd want by Sunday. The water looked fairly clear, I am anxious myself to get back on soft water.
I was up at the blacktail end yesterday- Thursday, still ice their too, wind was blowing it into the east shore. I believe a small boat could get around the ice and up into willow creek. There are no docks in by the ramp but there are docks out in the water off the beach. Should be gone with the next good wind, Water temp was 40.

Is Ririe open to fishing year round ? Thanks Curt G.
It's open year round on the water, within one mile of the dam when your on the ice. Now's the time to kill some walleyes.

Thanks , I thought it opened May first . I will have to get up there soon . Curt G.
[quote curt69]Thanks , I thought it opened May first . I will have to get up there soon . Curt G.[/quote]

It used to until it became part of the program to make laws the same statewide.
thanks for the info I am hoping to go walleye fishing this weekend.
Yeah but you would have to catch them before you can kill them! Is this a myth or do people actually catch walleyes out of Ririe? How many do you catch on a good day? Is there a better place or time of year to catch them?
F&G say that there are walleye and now is the time to catch them through mid May in the Willow Creek arm. However I have yet to talk to anyone that personally claims to have caught one. Closest is one person that said they had a boater come up to them and ask what a fish was and it was a walleye. None of them have provided any photographic evidence of their existence in Ririe, including F&G. If anyone on here does catch one this year I challenge you to post a picture with either enough background or the boat ramp in the pic to prove it was at Ririe.
I'm going to go up and chase Kokanee. If that's slow I'll head to the willow creek drainage and try to get one.
The lake will be very muddy on that end of the lake .
I know it will be on that end, chasing kokes on ririe side

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