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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]After a few weeks of planning, WiperHunter2, FlyFishingMoose, Lundman, and myself made it up to Bear Lake for some mack jigging and some salsa dipping. As it turned out, there was quite a gang of BFTers up there today. Four BFT boats! MGB and a fellow fisherman in his boat (I think he met the guy at the marina and just out of the blue offered to give him a boat ride for a day), BLM, Polokid, and OneEyedJack in BLM's boat, Bait_Caster and his son in their boat, and us four salsa hombres in Lundman's boat.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The weather was fantastic all day and the water quite smooth too. We first started fishing out around Guss's point for a couple hours. By about 8:30, FFM had boated a nice white fish and a 1.5 lb cutthroat. A little later, WH2 boated a 4-5 lb mack. Then a little later, FFM put his third fish in the boat, a nice 7-8 lb mack. FFM's mack won the pot money. No longer is FFM's largest fish 4 lbs. Me and Lundman struck out today.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Over on BLM's boat, there was plenty of hoopin and hollerin going on. And from my binoculars, they looked like some pretty nice fish they were bringing in. We're all waiting for the details and pictures.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Early after noon, over in Bait_Caster's boat, BC started let out a few squeals of his own. We looked over to see his heavy Shamano rod doubled over with a very nice mack coming in. I could be wrong but I think BC got the biggest of all the BFT fish today (unless someone on BLM's boat did better). BC boated a 38 inch, 13 lb mack! It took the double hook lure WAY deep in it's throat. We took our boat over to take some pictures and seen that BC was having trouble getting the hooks out. Lundman, with his longer pliers was able to get the lure unhooked. All in all, it was quite a bit of stress for that large mack but after several minutes of revival, it headed for the deeps.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]It sure was a great day out there today. So many good things and good people. I must say, FlyFishingMoose sure knows how to make GOOD salsa. I was surprised to find that so many different types could taste so good.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Here is FFM (the Joker) and his nice mack:[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The Boomerang crew:[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The Bait_Caster father and son team:[/size][/font]
[url ""][/url]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]And the monster mack that BC caught:[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3][/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I think Lundman also took a few pics too. Maybe he will get them posted.[/size][/font]
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[cool] Thanks for the report and the pics. That sounds like great fun and the fish are beautiful!
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It was good seeing everyone up there and meeting some more BFT members. I had to work a few hours this morning so I did'nt start fishing until noon. My partner and I only had one fish on a piece and lost them both. Its a bummer when you only get 1 chance at a fish and you blow it.
Congratulations bait caster on the 13# mack.
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Way to go boys,looks like a great day on the water!!How deep were you fishing and was there a lot of activity on the sonar??M.H.
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We started off fishing in 76 foot of water, east of the Rock pile then moved to the Rock pile were both of the bigger fish were caught. We were drifting over an edge that went from 45 to 34 ft of water on the Rock pile when FFM caught his mac. Bait caster was anchored right on the edge when he caught his. We saw a fair amount of activity east of the Rock pile but every time we would drift over the edge of the Rock pile we would mark fish.
I want to give a big Thank You to Lundman for taking us out and also to OC & FFM for bringing all the great salsa. Thanks guys for a great day on the pond, good to meet you FFM. WH2
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What a day! Caught my biggest fish ever, great company, learned a lot, met good folks and had an all round good day fishing & joking.
I wore the joker hat,because this was supposed to be a fun trip and we sure had a lot of fun.
Thanks to Lundman for being the host of the trip, he has a great boat. Thanks to WH2 for helping me learn how to work up the Mac I pulled out and preping the bait for us all and keeping the conversation going (man that guy can talk!)
And most of all thanks to Old_Coot for the use of the gear, showing me how to set it all up, sharing his salsa and taking the pictures to share with you all.
Over all our boat pulled up 4 fish on the day
WH2 - 1 Mac; and I was the lucky one, 1- white fish, 1- cut & 1 Mac, yup I had the fisrt, the most and the biggest on our boat. But I couldn't have done it without all the help from the guy I was with
Thanks one and all for a pertect day of fishing.
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]I was quite tired last night when I made the post and so I didn't remember all I wanted to say. I just wanted to say thanks also to Lundman for providing the "luxury liner". And yes, WH2 kept us well stocked in cut bait and good advice. And wow, that is some fantastic salsa FFM. I had more on my breakfast today ... yum.[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Anybody remember what the water temp was? I can't remember.[/size][/font]
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I was way off on the temp.
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WOW, what a super fun day out on the Bear! I meet alot of great BFT anglers yesterday, WipperHunter2,FlyFishingMoose,Lundman,MGB, Wonna go Fishing,& of course BLM and his crue of anglers. As stated in some earlier posts, We started out fishing at Gusses point, was slow going, but antisipation was HIGH, Old_Coot was in Lundmans boat, so he was kind enough to let me use his boat. (Cool) So I took my boy with me, a little father & son fun wetting the lines.[  ]. After not to much happening at G point, we went back to the rock pile,& was anchering up,when BLM calles out to ask how meny I'd caught. I yelled back my reply, NON yet but I'll change that now! "Nothing like putting pressure on my-self in front of all these BFT anglers". Not long and my line was stripping off my spool, poll bent all but in-two, "someone yells out BC you've hooked a rock". Little did they know this ROCK was on the move! I started tighting up my drag, didn't want to run out of line, wearing this Bad Boy down without loosing him was trickey After a great fight and forever realing back in "Finally" this Bad Boy came into sight, "My Son" said WOW look how BIG that Monster is!! He got full sight of it before I did. I had him grab the net, thinking glad, BLM said use a BIG net, This big boy ate my tube deep, "old coot yells out need some help" ya,this lure is too far down in, So Lundman and crue came over to help out. They had side cuts & LONG pliers. Al in all it was excyting to say the least. I want to say Thanks to all the guys in Lundmans boat for helping out. This Bad Boy was revived and swam back down to the deep.[  ] Being lucky enough to Hook up with a Monster Mussel Mack and feel the Fight was trulley a great day spent with my boy and some BFT anglers.[sly]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]"WH2 kept us well stocked in cut bait and good advice...."[/size][/font]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]and a ever flowing supply of stories! That man can talk up a storm! HA! You're alright in my book, WH2![/size][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Hey Bait_Caster, I see where Polokid is hinting about a laker 2 pounds better than yours. Man, you guys with beginner's luck.[/size][/font]
[shocked] .. [shocked] .. [shocked] .. [shocked]
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[size 1]"BLM said use a BIG net..."[/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Actually I said you need a bigger net but in the heat of battle you came pretty close. It was quite funny watching BC and his boy try and get a 38" fish in a 16" net! You dang near lost that fish. Did you get wet sleeves from your foray with that mack? Nice fish, Terry![/size][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Beginner's luck? I beg to differ on that, Old Coot. Beginners luck into one fish. Consistent results shows time on the water and swift learners to new techniques but you'll just have to wait and see...[/size][/font]
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If it is beginners luck, I will take it!!! I had a good time, but my motto is: being on the lake is the great part, the gravy part is if you catch fish.. ANd trust me I have had the greatness before with out the gravy, more times than I would like to count [cool]. Ask ole petty about our adventure last weekend, I got schooled on East Canyon. But it was nice seeing lundman again, he has helped me on our outtings this year get my first walleye. He is definitely a hospitible guy!!! Yum for walleye, Old coot has got me out on willard on a few Wiper experiences, like I was telling Blm and OEJ, you cant find a better guy in Old COot, never really got to fish with FFM or wiper hunter. met them on a few occations. but all in all great day!!!!
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The water temp was the same as last weekend 47.6* or was it 46.7*, Lundman do you remember?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]The water temp read 46.6 degrees on both my sonar units.[/size][/font]
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Nice report guys, glad to see everyone out there. I heard that the salsa was awesome, and I am bummed I do not get to try it. Anywho, nice report and great seeing everyone out there.
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OEJ we had plenty of the stuff, I tried to give you all some for your boat and there were no takers! Next time maybe! You guys sure did well thaose were some nice fish!
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It is not that I did not want it, I can not really eat it. Salsa and spice really do not agree with me stomach!
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My salsa is no harder on your stomach than few brewskis will be, but its ok you'll have the chance to sample it some other time, still was a really fun day