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Diamond fork finally showin' some love!
So, I had about 2 hours to kill this evening, so I headed up Diamond Fork for the 4th time in the last month. The previous 3 trips only yielded a single 7" cutty. The last trip last saturday was one of my worst skunks ever on a trout stream. I didn't even see a single fish, even a spooked one (which I'm really good at.) So today, I stop a little lower at one of the parking areas that are usually occupied and fished about a 1/2 mile stretch. A couple of casts and, if there's nothing, move. On the second pool, I got a 17" brownie. (Pic will follow as soon as my daughter sends it to me.) He was kinda skinny, but fought really well and jumped twice, which was not normal for most of the browns I've caught. That means I didn't have to concede a trip to Salem pond to make sure I didn't go home without having caught something.

A couple more pools and runs resulted in 4 or 5 more 12"-ish browns. All of them on a gold Blue Fox Vibrax.

One of the more interesting things I saw was what looked like a rather large sculpin. It was close to 5" long and definitely wasn't a trout. It was hugging the bottom, but was very flat. It took off when I leaned down to get a closer look.

The other interesting thing was one of the sickest, mangiest deer I've ever seen. At first, I thought it was a mountain goat of some sort. It was very attentively watching the other deer cross into its territory. Then I realized it was an alpaca. [crazy] West side of the road near the mouth of DF Canyon. Saw tons of deer and a skunk (real one, the black and white kind) that thankfully was on the other side of the river and headed downwind.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow for a bigger Cutt.

Nice! I've done well with that spinner there...and pretty much anywhere else.[laugh]

Was the alpaca seemingly in poor health? Kinda weird to see something like that, outside of someone's yard.
I don't know what's normal for that river, I'm very new to it. However I've been up 3 times in the last week and I have been very pleased.
The first trip I caught 5 browns between 14" and 16" and two DINKY cutts. Second trip I got 2 browns, one 15" and one 16.5". The last trip I ventured much farther up stream and caught two 14"ers. I assume that's been luck on my part. There's gotta be some bigger boys in some of those deeper runs, I want one!
Good job on the 17" brownie!
Good report, and by the way, most deer will start to look real sick and mangy this time of year. As they start to shed their thick winter coats they look like they are starving, sick and on the verge of death. However it's pretty normal.
Could be an alpaca. There are some fenced in horses maybe they own one. And that was a sculpin you saw. That river is loaded with them. One of the reasons that gold blue fox works so well. Glad your catching some. Good luck.
It was definitely an alpaca.

This isn't one:

[inline DF_brownie.jpg]

I forgot my good camera, so I took it on my (dumb) phone, forwarded it to my daughter, and she emailed it to me. I tried to get a better picture, but I wanted to get it back in the water as quickly as possible.

Good job! Sounds like a fun time.

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