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The Low-down on Jordanelle
Took the boat up for a spin on Jord. Ran like a top. Good thing I brought along sweats, etc., as it weren't no 75 up there. Mostly went site-seeing. Float tubers & shore-bounders getting some 10" slimers at river mouth, where temp was 48. Rest of lake in 41-43 range. Water level at river mouth is just short of the buoy line. Comparing that w/map & data on CUP website, I'm guessing lake is down 65-70'. "New" point coming around that northside corner heading up river arm. Better take it wide until lake rises, 'cuz it's 100 yds out, brushy and 2' deep at tip. Also came across halfway submerged red/white boat (circa 1955?) w/Evinrude, nosed into the south side of that long point on the west side of the north arm right before Sage Hen Hollow. (see pic) No sign of Gilligan, the Skipper or MaryAnn. Two-boat courtesy dock at Halistone ramp, but submerged rocks galore. Can only get warmer & deeper from here on out.
I think that's the boat in the "For Sale" forum!

Seriously, thanks for the update. The Bureau of Reclamation shows Jordanelle at 56% full, so your estimate of 65' low is probably spot on.
THAT's where I left my boat!![shocked] LOL that is funny and Sad at the same time. INSURANCE????
I think that boat went down in 2003 or 2004...
Wow, it is hard to understand why they would leave a boat in the water for that many years. Maybe the rules are different in different bodies of water but at Willard last year, I was told by a boat recovery crew that it was illegal to leave boats that size in a lake because they contaminate that water.
Wow salvage time. Low water at jordanelle. Haven't seen it that low for a while.
Only if they can find them..And back then who knows..
That could be the difference. The guys at Willard had side scanning radar and not the ones that fisherman use, it was one of those that you tow behind the boat and covers 300 yrds with each pass.
Back when that boat went down they may not have tried or had that type of scanner to use at that lake..

Many boats have shown up at Powell over the years that they remove as they see them now..

Willard is open and mostly flat..And only around 40' deep..

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