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Long new release
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For those with A.D.D.
"...The department will not stock fish in some reservoirs at the level recommended by local biologists. Stocking reductions for 2014 under consideration include:
70,000 trout and 300,000 kokanee salmon in Flaming Gorge Reservoir...."
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thats not good for the giant lake trout that eat those stocked fish !!
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This is the Wyoming plan? What's utahs plan?
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I thought Wyoming would have plenty of money after ripping off all the Utah boaters for there Aquatic Invasive Species decal. Maybe they could start charging Wyoming residents $30.00 each just to go boating in Wyoming like they do non residents. [pirate]
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Well Beautiful-fish... with all due respect... If you don't want to pay the $30.00 for the AIS to fish in Wyoming then stay on your own side of the lake ....Stop your whinning and stay in Utah.
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[quote anothersnag]Well Beautiful-fish... with all due respect... If you don't want to pay the $30.00 for the AIS to fish in Wyoming then stay on your own side of the lake ....Stop your whinning and stay in Utah.[/quote]
Right on!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE forces out of state boaters to fish the Wyoming side of the gorge. Why should residents of Wyoming have to pay the same price as a out of stater?
At least Wyoming is being proactive in trying to stop invasive species in the gorge. What is Utah doing? Oh yeaaaa that's right, Utah has you take a little quiz,that any 10 year old could pass. Just show some lame paper work and off you go.
When is Utah going to get proactive with their own AIS program for the gorge? When are they going to start doing physical inspections of the boats launching on the Utah side of the gorge?
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I personally think all the time and money to stop the invasive species is like peeing in the wind. It may get slowed down, but it cannot be stopped by policing the humans! Birds transport those little buggars, and they sure cant stop that. I think they should spend the money on research to find some kind of toxin that will specifically target those critters. Mussels are coming whether any state agency wants it or not. I have no problem paying the fee, just spend the money where it might actually help one day. [img]about:blank[/img][img]about:blank[/img]
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Guess we must go to different marinas. Utah has looked at my boat way more than Wyoming has. Seems like all Wyoming wants is the money at least Utah teaches ya why it's important. Later J
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I don't understand your comment.
Are you saying that charging out of state boaters will stop
invasive species?
How is that more pro-active?
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Yeah, Wyoming is very pro-active, after all they introduced Burbot into Flaming Gorge.
Can't get much more proactive than that.
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Anothersnag ! Don't worry I pay my $92 for a Wyoming Fishing license and $30 for a Wyoming Aquatic Invasive Species decal every year ! We are talking about Wyoming being too cheap to plant their share of Kokanee in Flaming Gorge !
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The lakers at the gorge will find other things to eat, and still get massive.
Plenty of burbot and rainbow trout. But it would be nice if they didn't have to reduce koke stockings:/
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[quote anothersnag]Well Beautiful-fish... with all due respect... If you don't want to pay the $30.00 for the AIS to fish in Wyoming then stay on your own side of the lake ....Stop your whinning and stay in Utah.[/quote]
Want to know what I think is a rip off? Some yahoo coming into my state and damaging my favorite lake (by aquatic invasive species) and the end result being either a) millions of dollars spent fighting the problem b) a damaged resource or both.
When the whole scenario could have been prevented if instead he just forked up 30.00$ and 10 minutes at the boat ramp getting inspected. I guess we have differing opinions on what a "rip off" is. .
There are good reasons to charge out of state boaters more than in-state boaters. Out of state boaters have the highest chance of bringing aquatic invasive species to our waters. We don't have any yet, and we'd like to keep it that way. I know my buddies and I don't have any chance in spreading critters because we don't fish out of state and guess what, our boats get inspected!!! I pay a smaller fee but I have zero chance of spreading mussels... You don't hear me whining.
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Gemcityslayer Tell me what good it will do to charge Utah boaters $30 for crossing the state line on Flaming Gorge ! They are already in the lake, they are ether
clean or they just contaminated the whole lake. The $30 fee has not and will not ever stop one zebra/quagga mussel from getting in the lake from boats crossing the state line on the lake from Utah ! Not only is Wyoming too cheap to plant their share of Kokanee but they are too cheap to pay for there own Invasive Species program and YES ! The $30 fee is a rip off !
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Correct me if I am wrong, but all boats get inspected that launch at the Gorge. Even on the Utah side?
Since Utah is attached to the lake, I think they should sell 10.00$ "resident" permits to people from Utah for the Gorge. (BUT only the Gorge).
It's not a matter of Wyoming being cheap. Besides, who are you calling cheap? Look in the mirror. You are whining about 30.00$. One thing I will point out, go through that article and read everything that got cut. There is a little bit of everything, all across the board. But what you won't see is any cuts to the AIS program. That's because it is important.
Bottom line is this. The AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species) program is a good idea and it is simply a form of insurance. Sometimes you have to pay up front to see benefits later. Like I said, prevention is cheap. Trying to fix the problem once it is here is not.
I stand by my case that out of state boaters pose the largest threat to Wyoming waters and since they share the majority of the risk they can share the majority of the cost. If you don't like it, too bad. Stay in Utah. Since when did 30.00$ become something to cause a fuss over? If you can't afford the 30.00$ AIS fee... you need to find a new hobby or a new job!
By the way, come on out and post with your main account. You are obviously a troll. There are thousands of good posts on this forum every year... and you have 5 posts. Give me a break.
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Gemcityslayer Look I have no problem with a Invasive Species program ! I don't like getting ripped off for a $1 or a $1,000 and this is a rip off ! And the only troll on this thread is yourself ! Trolling is a form of harassment that can take over a discussion !
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I might be a little tough on you, but it is far from harassment. I am going to stop the discussion with you though.
"Look I have no problem with the invasive species program!".... Make up your mind.
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I pay for the sticker every year since its been mandatory. The WY vs UT crap is stupid. We need to all work together to keep the Gorge what it is. If UT had some sense they would charge out of State boaters to cover expenses as well.