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blackfoot river
blackfoot river is on fire right now, best year in several several years
Awesome! Thanks for the report. I almost headed that way Friday, but opted for a small stream investigation.
i wont say where but if you know the area you prob know where. we hit one of the creeks and we caught 18-20" cuts in just bout everyother hole. close to river. amazing day!
I was up there a few weeks ago with a couple friends and it was pretty good then as well. I bet it's only getting better! Thanks for the report.
[indent]my buddy was up there yesterday and said river was up a couple feet and muddy[mad], creeks should still be on fire though.
I went up to the Lower Blackfoot R yesterday.

The river is up to its irrigation flow level, and it is very off color. Harder to fish it now.

[inline BlkFtRArea2.JPG]

I only took pictures of two fish. This one I really liked its pink cheeks.

[inline BlkFtRArea3.JPG]

And this one had the most amazing bright pink parr marks. I have never seen one colored quite like it. The picture unfortunately doesn't show how bright of a pink they were.

[inline BlkFtRArea4.JPG]

The whole canyon area is really beautiful. I didn't stay too long. I got chased out by thunder bumpers.

[inline BlkFtRArea5.JPG]

Some notes on area roads.

The Lone Pine Road was mostly ok. It had one or two spots that were rutted. Over all it was good.

The Trail Cr Road on the west side of the river between Trail Cr Bridge and Morgan Bridge had several spots that were rutted. Ok but take care. If you haven't ever driven on this section of Trail Cr, be especially careful as it has very sharp turns as it winds up and down some of the cliffs and hills.

I came back on the Portneuf Presto Rd toward Chesterfield. The stretch from Lone Pine to Lincoln Cr Rd was ok, but it had ruts, deep dust and wasn't very good, but better than the rest of it.

The secton of Portneuf-Presto from Lone Pine to Kelly Toponce Rd was ugly! It was heavily rutted, had 6 in of dust and loose soil on top, and they were working on it in places. It was like driving on a plowed field. I am not too sure that they didn't plow it instead of using a grader. I am glad that it hadn't rained much, or I might still be there. I hope that the work they are doing on it improves it soon!

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