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Ice fished today
I thought I'd just pass the word on that I went out and did a little icefishing this morning. It was 1 degree when I left and probable below 0 on the mtn. I wouldn't say the lake had safe ice yet, so I won't say where it went. We did end up finding a small part that had 3" but the rest of the lake was less then 2 or 1.

Oh I almost forget the fishing part. It was a slow day catching fish but I did manage to catch 3 and missed many more. My brother only got one bite on his pole so I let him hook a couple on my pole. I can't catch all the fish especially when he drove.

Oh boy I can't wait to fish the rest of the lakes down south.
now stop teasing everybody [Tongue]
Ya your right but the only person CRAZY enough to fish this lake would be IFG and he's already been once this year.

Even though the fishing was crappy I was still stooked to be out.

IF the weather stays like it is Scofield will be safe by Wednesday. Pray for it to stay cold.
i'm praying to go up there this up coming friday and do some ice fishing

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