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Eaten Alive at Blue Lake
Headed to Blue Lake Saturday afternoon to give it a shot since I'd never been there before. I heard a lot of horror stories about vandalism and thieves, however, the holiday weekend prevented this I think. We hit the little ponds when we first arrived only to be swarmed by horse flies. When I say swarmed, I mean 40-50 flies landing on the back of my sweatshirt at one time and biting through my shirt.

We quickly moved to the main lake where there was a little city set up for divers. Plenty of eyes on my truck made me comfortable leaving it alone while I fished. Horse flies weren't as bad by the main lake, but they seemed to be bigger and they continued to bite until we got the pontoons on the water. Apparently they are immune to any type of bug spray as it did not phase them one bit.

We fished for about 5 hours until dusk. My friend caught a small lmb and a nice bluegill, but neither me nor my other friend had a bite the entire time. We were leaving as the mosquitoes came out and they were thicker than the horseflies.

All in all, nice place to dive and swim, not such a great place to fish (for me anyway). The road in is all terrible washboard, but there is a road on the side. It looks like an ATV road but is much smoother than the main road. Bring a bee keeper suit to keep the bugs off of you [laugh].
You should've brought worms and fish for tilapia on the outer canals. They'll give you steady action.
Yeah normal bug spray or DEET based sprays don't deter Horse / Deer Flies those guys are vicious.

You got to head to the Farmers stores and get Horse Sprays, Absorbine works for a short while but other than that a hazmat suit & a flame thrower works well on those buggers [Wink]
My understanding early spring and late fall are best for bug free times.
Yeah don't go out to the blue desert pond in the summer, you will be sorry. Most times you can't even open the car door. The horse flies will attempt to bite the window and windshield as well as the body of the car. It's soooo scary and bloodcurdling to watch, I don't even open the car door when I see them. Went birdwatching at farmington and they will chase the car as i drive off.
One time down here we noticed if we went at full speed with the trolling motor they be one you!
As soon as you slow down they seem to leave[Image: surprised.gif]
Those horse flies hurt bad!

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