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new to me toon
So my brothers wifes aunt was throwing away a toon and he snatched it up for me. Both bladders hold air and the only thing im missing is 1 paddle. i guess my question is would it be better to trick out the toon or flip it for a tube and trick that out. what are the advantages/diSadvantages of toon vs tube. I love TDs tube but im going to be mostly throwing lures rather than draging bait. Does a tube offer as much "castability" as a toon? Is it better to have kick power or paddle power? And so on and so forth.
I like my toon, but it is the kick boat style without oars. Love the electric motor. I think your toon will have more flotation than a tube so you may not have to add extra floats to allow for batteries and such. I really like sitting higher out of the water without concern of tipping over too, but it does get carried more by the wind. It is definitely a fun craft and I like it more than my boat, but I can't take anyone with me. Congrats and have fun. Later J
[#0000FF]Congrats on scoring a floatation ride. Now the fun begins. If you can provide a pic and/or a make and model of your new toon we can probably offer more insight into the plusses and minuses.

My tube is my preferred water ride. But it is not for everybody. Your typical fishing spot, method of fishing and species should help you decide what is best for you. Also, what kind of vehicle do you have for transporting it...etc.

I am attaching a checklist of features and advantages for both tubes and toons.

As far as casting...I do fish with lures a lot. No problem once you get used to riding close to the water. A toon gives you higher seating for both visibility and fishing...better line control. Also, if you are a fly flinger the higher seating of a pontoon makes a very noticeable difference.
[quote JTrowdybass]So my brothers wifes aunt was throwing away a toon and he snatched it up for me. Both bladders hold air and the only thing im missing is 1 paddle. i guess my question is would it be better to trick out the toon or flip it for a tube and trick that out. what are the advantages/diSadvantages of toon vs tube. I love TDs tube but im going to be mostly throwing lures rather than draging bait. Does a tube offer as much "castability" as a toon? Is it better to have kick power or paddle power? And so on and so forth.[/quote]

First off, does it have paddles (like Kayaks) or Oars There is a difference. With it being a pontoon, I am guessing oars.
Advantages to a pontoon, you sit higher which means not as cold, easier to cast, haul more gear. Rowing ability which is very nice when needing to get off a body of water fast.
DiSadvantages, harder to transport and because you do sit higher, longer fins are needed (but again, you have oars)

I don't agree with the wind being a bigger issue with a pontoon than a tube. You have more choices of maneuverable ability I feel in a pontoon. I have been in the wind in a SFC and not only beat up by waves, but exhausted kicking to shore or trying to hold a position. This has never happened to me on a pontoon.

As far as motors, you can add one to either as Tube Dude and Cpierce have proven.[Smile]
It is a Bronco from bucks bags i believe. It is oar powered and im missing one oar. Mostly I target bass and panfish using a 6' 6" baitcasting rod. not real big on fly fishing but Ive been known to bust out the ol fairy wand from time to time. also was wondering about the pully that hangs from a pole off the back...anchor maybe? There is als a board that goes across the back perfect for an electric motor but have no clue where to put a battery.
Motor Mount


I am betting they are Carlisle oars.
Congrats on obtaining a nice ride. I would say trick it out and set it up the way you would like to fish. A toon can give you more flexibility and maneuvarability than a tube. [cool]
here is my toon.... I do the same thing. I mainly fish for bass and panfish and trout in early spring and late fall.... here is my boat..... just to help you to get your mind wandering........

this is my boat with the bare minnumum on it i have a few things not there that are in the shed.... I stand on the front deck and pitch grubs cranks popers etc. good luck with it and try too think outside of the lines..........

items I have so far...

eagle claw rod holder
shelf like tackle box I built out of PVC pipe that straps to the bladder
34# thrust trolling motor
AGM cabelas size 24 deep cycle battery
5.0 HP outboard motor
piranha max 170 fish finder
12V battery for fish finder
oars tied to the side out of the way till needed
pedestal (7")
seat swivel
homemade motor mount on front for trolling motor
landing net
and coming soon a cooler made into a live well with bilge pump and drain same design as my fathers bass boats live well.
Interesting mods, is it a little top heavy?
I'd go with a toon.

A tube buys you portability (if you want to pack it someplace) and ease of transport (if you really have a small vehicle).

Other than that I think Toons are equal or superior in almost every way.

I love my Tube but I bought it to fit into my Subaru Legacy trunk and pack down to the water's edge from sometimes quite a distance from shore. It works well given those requirements.

On the water, in most cases, I wish I was in a Toon -- and I do all sorts of fishing from jigging bait, to topwater bass, to trout trolling, and even some fly fishing.

At some point I'll be getting a Toon and I suspect it will get more usage than the Tube.
I was wondering the same thing about how sturdy that is. Thats thinking outside the box for sure. Another question I have is once you slap a motor on does it need to be registered?
No not top heavy I have spent hours balancing the whole thing out it sits flat on top of the water. I have had it sat up this way for two years and love it. As soon as an electric or gas motor is on it you have to register it. ($36) for that.
with a motor it'll have to be registered. That said, it's worth the trouble.
That pipe on the back should have a pulley on the top of it and a black cleat with a small pulley inside on one of the front rails. The rope goes through the small cleat box, through the pipe, around the pulley and attaches to an anchor. Pretty nice anchor set up. They also have a "flag" now that attaches to that pipe for your motor so you can mount a battery box on the platform and attach the motor to the flag and still use the anchor if you wish. It is only about $50. Call up there and talk to the pontoon guy, he is very helpful. Take a look at the Bucks Bags at Schiels and you can see how the setup works. You can order an oar from them or pick on up at Cabelas, just make sure it is the same length. I have the Bronco and I love it. Had it on the Green last weekend and it does well on the Berry.
[quote crappielover89]here is my toon.... I do the same thing. I mainly fish for bass and panfish and trout in early spring and late fall.... here is my boat..... just to help you to get your mind wandering........

this is my boat with the bare minnumum on it i have a few things not there that are in the shed.... I stand on the front deck and pitch grubs cranks popers etc. good luck with it and try too think outside of the lines..........

items I have so far...

eagle claw rod holder
shelf like tackle box I built out of PVC pipe that straps to the bladder
34# thrust trolling motor
AGM cabelas size 24 deep cycle battery
5.0 HP outboard motor
piranha max 170 fish finder
12V battery for fish finder
oars tied to the side out of the way till needed
pedestal (7")
seat swivel
homemade motor mount on front for trolling motor
landing net
and coming soon a cooler made into a live well with bilge pump and drain same design as my fathers bass boats live well.[/quote]

Doesn't this kinda defeat the idea of a personal pontoon?
My Cardiac Canyon was 12' long and 5' wide with a full deck that you could stand on but I sat with feet in the water.
The X5 had the slide out standing deck but again you could use your feet/fins to hold a spot or move a little.
Not at all the reason I got a toon was to do with it what I have done... An inexpensive boat that I don't need to spend$100+ on fuel and it goes on top of the car which gets excellent gas mileage so no need for the truck and with the 5hp motor I can get around lake Powell to all my spots I like to fish. I do most of my fishing trolling for eyes and stripers at powell, little hard to troll using your feet. Also putting the deck on it made it so I can take my 2 year old on it with me. I never once have put fins on. I go out to fish and not ware myself out rowing and kicking around. Maybe as a fly fisher or a trout addict it would defeat the purpose but not as a boat to fish for bass walleye and panfish.
My opinion of tube vs pontoon for what its worth. After 15 years tubing and the last five with a toon.

You sit highet out of the water so your warmer.
You can haul a lot more stuff, extra rods, lunch, ect..
you can cover a lot more water, expesialy with motor.
It is easiet to cast from, both fly rod and spinning.

Hard to move around on land. You need to be almost at the shore to unload from truck.
You are more at the mercy of the wind. After a day of tunning in the wind my legs are hammered.
Take up more room in truck or suv.

Float tube

More portable on land. No big deal to haul a tube quite a ways
Not as hard in the wind. I beleive that because you but is below the waterline you are more stable
take less room in truck or suv.

Colder as you are more in water
Cant cover as much watet.
harder to cast from.

All in all there are situations that a tube works well and some that a tube works well. I find though I am using my tube more than my pontoon latley. Its just easier to grab and go and takes less time to get on the water. Also i have been river fishing in tne afternoons when float tubing and it is easier to deflate the tube and leave it in the front of my truck.

BUT, you have forgot that there are now FRAMELESS pontoons. Which pretty much covers the cons.
And being a pontooner for many more years than I was a tuber, I still don't get the mercy of the wind. I find it much easier than kicking like crazy and getting slammed by waves. Just different strokes I guess

Did I mention my newest pontoon is over 4' wide, 8' long and weighs 14 lbs. Packs up to a suitcase. Yes more money, but definitely worth it.

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